As I sit here in chilly Phoenix writing my last blog of 2016, I am reflecting that today was the epitome of my year and living my passions. This morning I was very excited to visit the Downtown Phoenix Public Market since I’ve been in Cocoa Beach the last few weeks with my parents. While in Florida really missed “my” local farmers’ markets and farmers, and our amazing local Arizona in season produce.
Thanks Local Arizona Farmers
Today I leisurely shopped with some of my favorite local Arizona farmers who are all within a few miles of my home. I’d like to thank my farmer friends and their dedication and hard work to bring organic food to our community and to so many of the cooking classes and events that I teach.
Thank you Maya Dailey and Maya’s Farm, located just a half mile from my home. I love the care and passion that goes into all of your beautiful food. And, I appreciate the video shoots at your Farm. Your food is beautiful art growing at the farm and displayed with such care at the market.
Thank you Abby Lee Farms, for all the beautiful tomatoes I purchase from you all the time. I especially love using the colorful tomatoes in my version of a cold tomato gazpacho soup.
Thank you Community Exchange, for your “free hugs” and for all the unique foods your network grows, from dates, to citrus, to greens, to radishes.
Thank you Golo Family Organic Farm for the variety of all kinds of fruit and veggies every week. This year I especially loved the sweet lemons and the incredible pomegranates.
Intuitive Cooking Experience
When I returned home from the farmers’ market, I began my intuitive cooking process. First, I simply took some time appreciating the beauty of all the variety of just-harvested organic veggies and fruit. I mindfully enjoyed the incredible rainbow of colors and the varying textures. I am so happy that we have such incredible local, seasonal food available to us right in the middle of winter.
After visually enjoying the beauty of the food, I took a few minutes to decide what to cook with my bounty of organic goodies. I decided to prepare a quick veggie saute, sautéed bok choy, spaghetti squash, and brown rice.
Enjoy the photos of my step-by-step cooking process.
Spaghetti Squash with Marjoram & Tarragon
Brown Rice with Fresh Dill & Garlic
Quick Sauteed Veggies with Farmers’ Market Winter Veggies
Today’s veggies:
- Green onions, tomatoes, purple peppers
- Rainbow carrots
- Fresh squeezed orange juice & zest
- Broccoli
- Olives & capers
Sauteed Bok Choy with Olive Oil & Fresh Squeezed Lemon
Plating the layers of colors and flavors.
Happy New Years Eve 2016…
It has been such a joy for me to share my passion for healthy food, farmers market shopping, simple culinary skills, and intuitive cooking with you this year, 2016.
Lots of positive, happiness, and health to all in 2017.
Finally, I am so honored with the incredible response to my book, A New View of Healthy Eating. It is available for purchase and I’m happy to personalize a copy and ship to you.