By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

Yesterday, I posted a quick smoothie with homemade sunflower seed milk as the base. Today, I created a similar smoothie with chia seeds and coconut water as the base. 

Both smoothies were made with coconut water, raspberries, and a banana. The only difference being the sunflower seeds yesterday and the chia seeds today, as a thickener and source of protein and healthy fats.


CULINARY TIP: Be sure to soak chia seeds before you use them in a recipe, as they will expand about 12 times their size with soaking.

SIMPLE SMOOTHIE: Blend coconut water chia seed liquid, with frozen raspberries and a banana for a quick, delicious smoothie.

Have fun creating your own smoothies with different bases, and share your creations with us on our Facebook:

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