By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

Roasted roots are quick and easy to make and taste delicious and sweet every time.  Today, I made a quick batch of roasted roots with rainbow carrots, radishes, and sweet potatoes. After gently tossing the roots in organic extra virgin olive with freshly ground basil and oregano, I roasted them for about 20 minutes (turning after 10) in a pre-heated 475 degree oven.


Excerpt from A New View of Healthy Eating

Sweet & Rich Roasted Roots

Roasted roots are beautiful, flavorful, and sweet, as well as a rich, colorful complement to any meal. The roasting culinary technique is a dry heat cooking method that intensifies and concentrates the flavor of vegetables. When roasted properly, the natural sugars in the vegetables brown or caramelize to create a deep, rich flavor. When visiting your farmers’ market, buy a few roots even if you don’t recognize them, and roast them with this simple, quick culinary technique. Enjoy roasted roots as a side dish, to create soup, with hummus, or in a raw kale salad or veggie wrap.


  • 10-12 of your favorite roots: carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, golden beets, red beets, and radishes
  • Approximately ¼ cup organic extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tbsp dry herbs (Choose a few: basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, or thyme)
  • ½ tsp sea salt


  1. Pre-heat oven to 475 degrees F.
  2. Scrub roots under running water to clean the outside.
  3. Let sit for about 10 minutes to dry.
  4. Slice roots into even, bite-size pieces.
  5. Mix olive oil, herbs, and sea salt in a bowl to make the dressing.
  6. Add root vegetables to the bowl and toss to evenly coat with the dressing.
  7. Carefully lay the roots on parchment paper in a heavy-duty flat baking sheet pan. Place roots flat side down in a single layer, making sure the vegetables do not touch.
  8. Place baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven.
  9. Roast roots in the oven for about 20 minutes, then turn vegetables.
  10. Cook another 15 minutes, until fork tender.
  11. Plate vegetables. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil.
  12. Enjoy!

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 “In my public and private hands-on cooking classes, I encourage participants to experiment with different herbs and spices for roasted roots. A fun way to intuitively choose herbs is to close your eyes, smell different herbs, and intuitively decide which to use when flavoring the root vegetables. Have fun and be creative.”


I am so humbled, in 3 days, I sold the first print-run of A New View of Healthy Eating. Right now, we are proofing the book and then will order the next printing. If you’d like a copy to begin to add some new culinary skills and intuitive cooking to your life, I invite you to order your copy today!

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