Tag: simple recipes

  • Experience Nutrition Farm-to-Table Recipes with The Farm at South Mountain Fall CSA: Roast Radishes & Turnips

    Experience Nutrition Farm-to-Table Recipes with The Farm at South Mountain Fall CSA: Roast Radishes & Turnips

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    This Fall season in Phoenix, Arizona, I’ve been intuitively creating dishes with the beautiful veggies grown at The Farm at South Mountain CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  Thanks so much to Billy Anthony for his hard work and passion to grow such incredible, tasty food at the Soil & Seed Garden.

    I was inspired by the freshly harvested radishes (Spanish Black, French Breakfast) and the stunning Scarlet Turnip. With a few additional veggies, I created a simple roasted veggie dish, perfect for Fall and Thanksgiving.

    Let’s take a look at this week’s Fall CSA


    The Vibrant Scarlet Turnips


    The Beautiful Black Spanish & French Breakfast Radishes


    SIMPLE ROASTED VEGGIES: Black Spanish & French Breakfast Radishes  & Scarlet Turnips

    Use this simple culinary roasting veggies technique to roast all kinds of vegetables. When we roast radishes, they become very sweet, and turnips become smoothy and buttery.

    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 black Spanish Radish, cut into circles
    • 3 French Breakfast radishes, sliced
    • 1 purple daikon radish, sliced into circles
    • 3-4 Scarlet turnips with greens, sliced
    • Handful chives
    • 1 purple bell pepper, sliced
    • 1 sweet potato, roughly cubed
    • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
    • 3-4 tbsp seasoning, blend of dried herbs and sea salt.  (Used Penzey’s Fox Point Seasoning)

    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
    • Slice all veggies.
    • In small bowl, thoroughly coat each vegetable with olive oil and seasoning.
    • Place vegetables on parchment-lined sheet pan, without touching.
    • Roast 15 minutes.
    • Remove cooked vegetables,  such as chives and turnips.
    • Flip remaining vegetables.
    • Cook another 12 minutes.
    • Plate and enjoy.

    Veggies, ready for the oven.

    The roasted veggies, ready for plating.


    Time to enjoy the roasted veggies…


    One more plate…quite rustic…


    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    Purchase Tickets for the Plant-Based Thanksgiving Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, November 18, 2018, 11am-1pm

    Purchase Tickets for Holiday Plant-Based Desserts Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, December 9, 2018, 11am-1pm



  • Experience Nutrition: Simple Vegan Herb Cashew Dip. Purple Daikon & Bok Choy with The Farm at South Mountain Fall CSA

    Experience Nutrition: Simple Vegan Herb Cashew Dip. Purple Daikon & Bok Choy with The Farm at South Mountain Fall CSA

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    I am so honored to create recipes for The Farm at South Mountain Fall CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). This week, the CSA, grown by Billy Anthony at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm, features lots of fresh aromatic herbs – basil, onion chives, lemon verbena – and beautiful purple veggies including daikon radish, turnips, and purple bok choy.

    With these fresh ingredients I was inspired to intuitively create a simple vegan raw cashew dip. Enjoyed with the vibrant purple daikon radish and bok choy.

    Let’s take a look at this week’s Fall 2018 CSA.

    The beautiful lush basil growing at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain.


    Beauty of the Purple Bok Choy




    • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water 2-4 hours
    • ¼ cup fresh basil
    • 3 tbsp onion chives
    • 1 spring lemon verbena
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 2 tbsp fresh key lime or lemon juice
    • Pinch sea salt
    • 2-3 tbsp water
    • 2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 daikon radish
    • 3-4 bok choy leaves


    • Pre-soak cashews for 2-4 hours in water
    • Place basil, onion chives, lemon verbena, nutritional yeast, key lime (or lemon juice), sea salt, and water into food processor.
    • Pulse to desired smoothness.
    • Stream in olive oil, to desired taste.
    • Thinly slice daikon radish with mandoline.
    • Plate dip, daikon radish on bok choy leaves.
    • Enjoy!

    Food Process the herbs, cashews, nutritional yeast, key lime, salt, and water. Stream in olive oil.

    Mandoline the Purple Daikon

    The Herb Cashew Dip Plating with Purple Daikon & Bok Choy


    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    Purchase Tickets for the Plant-Based Thanksgiving Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, November 18, 2018, 11am-1pm

    Purchase Tickets for Holiday Plant-Based Desserts Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, December 9, 2018, 11am-1pm


    A final look at the Vegan Herb Cashew Dip with Purple Daikon & Bok Choy.




  • Experience Nutrition: Beautiful Plant-Based Thanksgiving Recipes by Melanie Albert, as seen in Natural Awakening’s Arizona Magazine

    Experience Nutrition: Beautiful Plant-Based Thanksgiving Recipes by Melanie Albert, as seen in Natural Awakening’s Arizona Magazine

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    I am so honored to create recipes for the November 2018 issue of Natural Awakening’s Arizona magazine. It has been a dream of mine to cook “my” recipes in a magazine in a cooking class. I’m excited that we will be creating the Fall Thanksgiving recipes in a fun, interactive hands-on cooking class on November 18, 2018, 11am-1pm,  at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix.


    Four Plant-Based Thanksgiving Recipes

    The recipes in the article and cooking class are inspired by our local Arizona farmers Fall produce, especially, the Squash Soup, and one of my very favorite desserts, the Sweet Potato Brownie.

    1. Appetizer: Kalamata Olive Tapenade
    2. Side Dish: Winter Squash Ginger Soup
    3. Side Dish: Sweet Potato Brussels Sprouts Fall Veggie Saute
    4. Dessert: Chocolate Sweet Potato Brownie and Goji Berries (PHOTO CREDIT: Cassie Hepler)

    In today’s blog, I’m sharing the step-by-step process to prepare the Tapenade, which has been a favorite at several cooking classes this month. Plus, you’ll see the process to create the soup and a fun plating video. Enjoy!

    Kalamata Olive Tapenade

    Enjoy refreshing tapenade with local Arizona veggies. This rich appetizer is an update to the olive trays that our family enjoyed with holiday meals when I was a kid. When you make your tapenade, have fun experimenting with a variety of olives and mindfully plate with favorite veggies from your farmers’ market.


    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, rough chopped
    • 1 cup Kalamata olives, pitted and rough chopped
    • ¼ cup fresh parsley
    • 1/4 cup capers
    • ¼ cup fresh parsley
    • ¼ – 1/3 cup organic extra virgin olive oil

    Extras for Plating

    • 1 cucumber, sliced
    • 9-10 dehydrated tomato slices
    • 2-3 red or purple radishes, thinly sliced
    • 2 green onions, sliced on the bias
    • 2 Tbsp goji berries, re-hydrated in water for 10 minutes


    • Gather your mise en place
    • Mince garlic
    • Rough chop the sun-dried tomatoes, soak in water to re-hydrate 5-10 minutes
    • In a food processor, pulse garlic and olives until fine, not paste-like
    • Remove the olive and garlic mixture from the food processor.
    • Place sun-dried tomatoes in food processor and process until fine.
    • Add capers and parsley and pulse a few times.
    • Place olive/garlic mixture and sun-dried tomatoes/capers/parsley mixture into a bowl and mix with a fork.
    • Add olive oil until you reach desired consistency.
    • Enjoy the tapenade on cucumbers with a few extra veggies from your local farmers.


    Winter Squash Ginger Soup

    Yields: 4 servings

    Create your Thanksgiving soup with local Winter Squash such as red kabocha or butternut, delicata, or even pumpkins. I especially love the sweetness of red kabocha, which contrasts to the green kabocha with has a more savory flavor. While cooking your soup enjoy the mindfulness and aromatherapy of grating warming ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Have fun plating the soup with a few sliced fresh veggies to add color and a crisp texture to the soup. Enjoy the soup warm or cold.


    The components of the soup include: Veggie Stock, Roasted Squash, The Squash Ginger Soup, and the Plating Toppings.

    Winter Squash Ginger Soup

    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 Tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • ¼ cup shallots, minced
    • 1 TBSP ginger, grated
    • ½ TBSP coriander seeds
    • Pinch sea salt
    • 3 cups roasted Winter squash (see recipe below)
    • 4 cups veggie stock (see recipe below)


    Plating Toppings (per serving)

    • 2 small tomatoes, sliced
    • 1 radish, sliced
    • 5 raw cashews, soaked in water
    • 5 slices dehydrated tomatoes
    • 1 tsp green onions, cut on diagonal
    • 1 tsp micro-greens
    • Pinch ground cinnamon
    • Pinch ground nutmeg
    • Optional: Cashew cream

    Cook the Soup

    • Pour olive oil into the soup pot and warm for 1 minute.
    • Add shallot and ginger and gently cook for about 5 minutes to release flavors.
    • Add roasted squash and veggie stock to the pot.
    • Bring to a boil.
    • Lower to simmer and cook for 30 minutes.
    • Pour soup into food processor and pulse a few times for desired smoothness.

    Plate the Soup

    • Pour soup into a serving bowl.
    • Top with local, seasonal veggies, such as tomatoes, radishes, green onions, and micro-greens.



    Simple Home-Made Veggie Stock

    To enhance the flavor of your soup, make this quick and easy veggie stock, with mirepoix base of carrots, onions, and celery. An option is a box of store-bought organic veggie stock.


    Stock Base

    • 1 medium white onion, rough chopped
    • 4 carrots, rough chopped
    • 2 celery stalks, rough chopped
    • 6 cups water


    • 10 parsley stems
    • 3 bay leaves
    • 2 garlic cloves
    • 1 tsp black peppercorns



    • Rough chop the carrots, onions, and celery into 2” pieces.
    • Place carrots, onions, celery, garlic, black peppercorns, and water into the soup pot.
    • Bring to a boil.
    • Reduce to simmer and cook with lid covered for 30 minutes.
    • Strain the veggies from the liquid.
    • Use the stock in the Winter squash soup.

    Roasted Winter Squash


    • 3 cups Winter squash, cubed
    • 3 Tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 3 tsp ground cinnamon
    • 3 tsp ground nutmeg


    • Toss squash in olive oil, nutmeg and cinnamon.
    • Place squash on a parchment-lined sheet tray, making sure the squash does not touch.
    • Roast for 15 minutes, flip.
    • Roast for another 12 minutes.

    Another look at the Winter Squash Ginger Soup


    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    Purchase Tickets for the Plant-Based Thanksgiving Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, November 18, 2018, 11am-1pm

    Purchase Tickets for Holiday Plant-Based Desserts Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, December 9, 2018, 11am-1pm


    A final look at the Thanksgiving Plant-Based Cooking article in the November 2018 issue of Natural Awakenings.


  • A New View of Healthy Eating Healthy Recipe Blog by Melanie Albert: Arizona Peach Tomato Goji Salsa

    A New View of Healthy Eating Healthy Recipe Blog by Melanie Albert: Arizona Peach Tomato Goji Salsa

    Intuitive Cooking with our Local Arizona Farmers Summer Goodies: Peach Tomato Goji Berry Salsa

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, award-winning author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This weekend, as usual, I shopped at our Downtown Phoenix Farmers’ Market. Honestly, my refrigerator was quite full and I didn’t really need food, but I love supporting our local farmers, the community of like-minded friends at the market, and creating unique delicious dishes with “what’s in season.”

    Let’s take a look at some of my favorites at the Market, from flowers, to friends, to prickly pear cactus, to Armenian cucumbers…



    When I arrive home from the market I love to simply enjoy the beauty of the food I intuitively shop for at the market.  With intuitive shopping, we pay attention to the colors, the textures, even the aroma of the foods, and buy what we are attracted to from a sensory view.


    About a month ago, I created an Arugula Salad with Tomatoes and Peaches and recalled loving the combination. Again, these two summer fruits were the inspiration for my fresh dish which I intuitively created. When we create our dishes intuitively, we enjoy the process of mixing and matching flavors and colors to create beautiful, tasty meals. Have fun!

    Arizona Peach Tomato Summer Salsa Recipe

    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 ripe peach, rough chopped
    • 3-4 yellow and red tomatoes, rough chopped
    • 1 Armenian cucumber, rough chopped
    • ½ red onion, minced
    • 2-3 garlic bulbs, minced
    • 1 lemon zested
    • 3 tbsp capers
    • 2 tbsp goji berries soaked in water
    • Pinch sea salt



    Simple Steps

    Gently toss all ingredients.


    Plate and enjoy!



    In addition to intuitively shopping, and intuitively creating dishes, I love to have fun plating with different looks. Thanks to Clay Madness for my new aqua plate and my favorite green clay bowl.

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    If you’re interested in additional simple plant-based whole foods culinary techniques and recipes, please purchase my book, “A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods.”  I’m happy to mail a copy to you.

    If you’re interested in a Cooking Event, Class, Team Building for your organization, I’d love to chat and create a custom program for you. — Melanie



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Plant-Based Recipes by Melanie Albert: Simple Sweet Potato Tomato Sauté Late Night Snack and Brunch

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Plant-Based Recipes by Melanie Albert: Simple Sweet Potato Tomato Sauté Late Night Snack and Brunch

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Late last night I was craving a sweet dish and almost dreaming about all the great produce I bought at our local Downtown Phoenix Farmers Market.  Around  9 or 9:30 pm I made a quick sauté with sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and arugula.

    This morning, I woke up thinking about how much I enjoyed the sweet and slightly bitter flavor combinations in the dish and that when I was a kid, my parents cooked potatoes for breakfast when we were boating on the Chesapeake Bay. So for brunch, I made another, slightly tweaked sweet potato sauté. (And, I actually ate the left-overs for an afternoon snack.)

    Late Snack Mise en Place


    Brunch Mise en Place



    • Organic extra virgin olive oil
    • Sweet potato, rough chopped (Crooked Sky Farm)
    • Several tomatoes, rough shopped (Abby Lee Farm)
    • Pinch sea salt
    • Fresh arugula (Blue Sky Farm)
    • Green garlic, sliced (Maya’s Farm)
    • Kalamata olives
    • Capers
    • Dehydrated tomatoes (McClendon Select)


    • Heat medium sauté pan at medium heat
    • Drizzle olive oil into the pan.
    • Once olive oil is warm, add tomatoes and cook for about 5 minutes.
    • Add pinch of sea salt.
    • Add green garlic and cook for about a minute. (Added to brunch sauté.)
    • Add sweet potatoes and sauté for about 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Add olives and capers and sauté for a few minutes.
    • Add arugula to pan, and drizzle with olive oil and sea salt.


    • Take a look at the saute:
    • Plate with quinoa. (Added quinoa to the morning sauté.)

    Late Night…




    Final Brunch Sweet Potato Tomato Saute Plating…




    A final look…food art…


    If you’re interested in learning more simple culinary skills with real whole foods, Melanie Albert’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating” is available.



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Plant-Based Recipes by Melanie Albert: Spring Hemp Seed Quinoa Tabouli

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Plant-Based Recipes by Melanie Albert: Spring Hemp Seed Quinoa Tabouli

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This week during our Whole Food SOUL (Seasonal Organic Unprocessed Local) cooking class at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, our focus was on whole grains and the students prepared Quinoa Salad and Hempseed Tabouli.

    It had been awhile since I’ve used fresh mint in my dishes, and I loved both the fresh quinoa salad and hemp seed tabouli, that I very intuitively prepared a tabouli with the mint, hemp seeds, and quinoa.

    I guide people to cook intuitively very often. The key is to know a few simple culinary skills, and then cook with what’s available at your farmers market or kitchen. Plus, with intuitive cooking, we listen to our body for foods we might be craving and also notice what foods we’re attracted to, with color, textures, and aromas.

    Today’s tabouli was intuitive in several ways:

    • Listening to my body: My body was looking forward to a grounding grain and I had about a cup of the tri-color quinoa in my pantry.
    • Aromatherapy: The fresh aromatherapy and bright tasting mint.
    • Looking for a variety of color and textures: Red tomatoes, yellow pepper, green onion.
    • Spring garlic: Just love the cross between garlic and onion, when spring garlic is in season.


    Two Simple Culinary Techniques

    • Cook Whole Grains: Cook quinoa with 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups previously-made veggie stock. Bring to boil on stove, cover and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Rest the quinoa. Fluff with a fork. Use in recipe.
    • 3-Ingredient Salad Dressing: 1 part lemon, 2 parts organic extra virgin olive oil, pinch salt.



    • 1 cup quinoa
    • 2 cups veggie stock
    • ½ cup hemp seeds
    • Several tomatoes, rough chopped
    • Orange pepper, rough chopped
    • 1 green onion, rough chopped
    • 1 lemon, juice and zest
    • Organic extra virgin olive oil
    • Handful mint, minced
    • Handful parsley, minced
    • Pinch sea salt
    • Handful pea sprouts


    • Cook quinoa with veggie stock
    • Rough chop all veggies
    • Gently toss all ingredients
    • Plate with sprouts
    • Enjoy
    Hemp Seed Quinoa Tabouli: Rough Chop Veggies


    Gently toss all ingredients in large bowl.
    Enjoy your Spring Hemp Seed Quinoa Tabouli

    I have recently created the Simple Plant-Based Eating Group on Facebook, where I share daily tips around plant-based eating, and the community shares ideas. Please join us: www.facebook.com/groups/DailyPlantBasedEatingTips/

    Interested in addtional simple culinary techniques and recipes with real whole foods, Melanie Albert’s book, “A New View of Healthy Eating” is available.



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Top 4 Favorite Plant-based Culinary Techniques & Rustic Veggie Saute

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This week while cooking my local Arizona farmers’ produce I realized I was cooking the same foods different ways every day. One of my philosophies of healthy eating is to learn simple culinary skills and then when we shop at our farmers’ markets we can cook intuitively with what’s available seasonally.

    Four of my favorite ways (or culinary methods) to cook veggies intuitively are roasting, sautéing, bamboo steamer, and raw. This week, I roasted twice, sauteed once, ate raw a few times, and, so far I have not used my bamboo steamer.

    Take a look a this week’s roasted Farmers’ Market Veggies. Simple steps to Roast Winter Veggies

    Rustic Winter Arizona Farmers’ Market Veggie Saute

    My veggie saute featured many of the same veggies that I roasted earlier in the week. With the saute, I very intuitively added 2 Arizona navel oranges for sweet flavor and moisture.

    • Romanesco
    • Yellow cauliflower
    • Purple carrots
    • Sweet potatoes
    • White beets
    • Turnip
    • Yellow tomato
    • Greens



    Mindfully Chop Veggies and Organize your Mise en Place

    Chop veggies in about equal-sized pieces and mindfully organize them for cooking. Also, gather other ingredients for your dish. I added extra virgin olive oil, navel orange, and sea salt.

    Saute Veggies One-by-One

    Start with saute pan on medium heat. Warm the olive oil then add the tomato, root veggies, then cauliflower, and finally the greens.

    Mindfully Plate Veggies with Quinoa

    Again, be very mindful with your plating, placing veggies on the plate one-by-one. Add a few extras for extra flavor and interest, such as olives, capers, and dehydrated tomatoes.

    Enjoy your meal.



    This week I set up a new Facebook Group, Simple Daily Plant-based Eating Tips with Melanie Albert. The group is dedicated to daily actionable eating and cooking tips for people who wish to eat more plant-based food. Hope you join us and share in the conversation.

    Melanie’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Intuitive Eating with Real Whole Foods” includes 84 simple culinary technique with simple steps and photos of the process.


  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Arizona Farmers’ Roasted Organic Veggies

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    As I’ve been blogging recently, I really love the beautiful food our Arizona farmers are growing this season.  A few of my key philosophies are to shop locally and seasonally with your local farmers, learn a few simple culinary techniques, and then when you shop, use your intuition to choose the veggies you are attracted to. Then, when you cook, cook intuitively with your culinary skills and the local veggies.

    This week at the downtown Phoenix Farmers’ Market I purchased a variety of root veggies, a few staples, and fresh dill. Tonight, I cooked with the simple culinary technique of roasting veggies.

    Local Arizona Winter Veggies

    • White beets
    • Orange carrots
    • Yellow cauliflower, called “cheddar”
    • Yellow tomatoes
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Fresh dill


    Other Ingredients

    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • Dried Penzeys Fox Point seasoning (salt, shallots, chives, garlic, onion, and green peppercorns).

    Simple Veggie Roasting Steps

    • Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Wash and cut veggies into about equal size pieces.


    • In a large bowl, coat veggies with organic extra virgin olive oil and dried seasoning (Fox Point today)
    • Place veggies, flat-side down onto parchment-lined sheet pan.


    • Roast for about 15 minutes.
    • Flip veggies, and roast another 12-15 minutes.


    • Mindfully plate the veggies, one-by-one, with a whole grain, like today’s brown rice with fresh dill.
    • Enjoy…



    If you’re interested in Melanie’s cookbook,A New View of Healthy Eating” you can buy it and Melanie will gift-wrap and mail it to you.



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Get Clear on Plant Protein and Simple Steps to Sprout Beans

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This year I have the wonderful opportunity to lead the monthly Healthy Cooking Demo at the Humana Community Center in Mesa, Arizona. Each month Humana gives me a new topic to focus on. This week, the February topic was plant sources of protein. We cooked one of my favorite simple soups: Lentil Quinoa, along with Lemon Hummus, and I showed my jar of sprouted mung beans.

    Plus, we had a positive conversation around sources of plant proteins. Take a look at this chart that I originally created a few years ago when I was guiding former NFL players and their families about nutrition and cooking.  One of the first questions the guys always asked me: “Mel, will you make my stop eating meat?” I told them that I would not force them to stop eating meat, but I would teach them good sources of plant protein, and hopefully, they would reduce their consumption of meat.

    Protein in Plants and Animals

    • When we clearly examine protein sources, we see that we can indeed get enough protein in our diets from plant-based foods rather than from the typical SAD – Standard American Diet – of red meat, pork, poultry, and dairy.
    • It’s important to note how the levels of protein in many plant foods are comparable to the protein levels in meat, poultry, cheese, and fish. For instance, in a 3.5-ounce serving, pork and tuna have 30 grams, and chicken and Swiss cheese both contain 27 grams of protein. These levels of protein in animal food are comparable to pumpkin seeds with 30 grams, lentils with 26 grams, and hemp seeds with 23 grams.

    Simple Protein Chart

    Protein Grams per 100 Grams (3.53-ounce) servings

    30.2 Pumpkin seeds

    30.0 Pork

    30.0 Tuna

    29.1 Beef tenderloin steak, lean only

    29.3 Turkey

    28.4 Nori (sea vegetable)

    27.3 Salmon, sockeye

    27.1 Chicken

    26.9 Swiss cheese

    26.7 Halibut

    26.7 Beef chuck eye roast

    25.8 Lentils, raw

    23.6 Kidney beans, raw

    22.5 Hemp seeds

    21.6 Black beans, raw

    21.5 Dulse (sea vegetable)

    21.4 Pinto beans, raw

    21.2 Almonds

    20.3 Pistachio nuts

    19.4 Beef, grass-fed, ground

    19.3 Garbanzo beans, raw

    19.3 Sunflower seeds

    18.3 Flax seeds

    18.2 Cashews

    18.1 Beef tenderloin

    16.6 Soybeans

    16.6 Inca berries*

    16.5 Chia seeds

    15.4 Cacao*

    15.2 Walnuts

    14.3 Goji berries

    14.1 Quinoa, uncooked

    12.4 Cottage cheese, 1% fat

    3.4 Milk, non-fat

    3.3 Soymilk

    Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

    * Not in USDA Database

    Today, I enjoyed the sprouted mung beans in a fresh farmers’ market salad intuitively created with the veggies and spring mix from the Farm Tour with Blue Sky Organic Farm, and purple cauliflower from Maya’s Farm, about ¼ mile from my home. Blue Sky Organic Farm, 30 miles west of my home, grows about 150 varieties of produce on 35 acres. Their beautiful spring mix comes from 18-21 different varieties of baby greens. Blue Sky Organic Farm triple washes and spin dries the mixture at high velocity, so we can easily enjoy it in our salads.



    • Bamboo Steamer Veggies
      • Romanesco
      • Purple Cauliflower
      • Fennel
      • Yellow wax beans
      • Spring mix
      • Mung bean sprouts
    • Salad Dressing
      • Fresh lemon
      • Basil olive oil
      • Sea salt
      • Fresh home-grown basil




    Excerpt from “A New View of Healthy Eating”: Simply Sprout Beans: Try Mung Beans

    In the winter of 2014 I started to sprout beans while learning in the Plant-Based Professional Certification with Rouxbe Cooking School. When I visited my parents in Florida, we decided to experiment with sprouting different kinds of organic legumes (mung, adzuki, and green lentils) and a few seeds (sunflower and broccoli). Within a week, we had 12 quart jars full of sprouted beans and seeds. Luckily for my parents’ Cocoa Beach neighbors, they also enjoyed sprouts in their meals.


    Soaking and Sprouting

    The soaking and sprouting process releases dormant enzymes that make beans more easily digestible and, in some cases, even more nutritious.

    Mung beans are the most widely eaten sprout on our planet and have been cooked in Chinese dishes for centuries. Mung beans, a great plant protein, are fun and easy to sprout, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Add raw mung beans to the top of a salad, avocado salsa or hummus for a nice crunch. Cook sprouted mung beans for added protein in veggie stir-fries or soup.

     7 Simple Steps to Sprout Mung Beans

    1. Soak ¼ cup dry mung beans in a few cups of water for 8 to 12 hours out of direct sunlight.
    2. Rinse beans and place them in a wide-mouth quart Mason jar with a wire lid.
    3. Rinse beans with cold water 2 to 4 times a day.
    4. After each rinsing, rest the jar on a slant so that any extra water can drain out of the jar.
    5. Harvest beans in 2 to 5 days.
    6. After sprouts have completely dried, store in the refrigerator.
    7. Enjoy raw in a salad or wrap or cooked in a stir-fry.

    Today’s Mung Beans

    You can purchase Melanie’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating” and also let us know if you’re interested in a Cooking Workshop, Event, or Retreat. Would love to explore your ideas and create a fun program for your organization.



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Quick & Simple Flatbread Local Tomato Sauce

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC, Phoenix, Arizona.

    This morning I was craving my sprouted spelt flatbread, so I started with activating the yeast and letting the dough rise. Honestly, my vision was to roast veggies, make a cashew nut cheese and white sauce. However, I was away from my home most of the day — shopping for superfoods and attending the Slow Food Phoenix Event: Slow Foods. Fast Friends Event. Such an energizing event around local food and sustainability, I’m so excited to get more involved in our local food movement in Phoenix.


    Remembering the melt in your mouth simple Margarita Pizza that I enjoyed in Milan, Italy, so many decades ago, when I returned home in the evening I decided to make a really quick tomato sauce with garlic and sea salt for the flatbread. And, I loved it!

    Three Tips to Activate Yeast “Perfectly”

    Several weeks ago, when I blogged the steps to activate yeast and rise flatbread dough a few of my friends asked me how the yeast is so fluffy. My tips:

    • Water Temperature. Get the water temperature in the right range, 112 -115 degrees Fahrenheit. To do this, bring water to almost a boil. Then mix that water with cooler water until the temperature is In the 112-115 degree range.
    • Do not use a metal utensil to stir the yeast water. Use a wooden spoon.
    • Add-in ingredients with the yeast and water. I use local Arizona honey, extra virgin olive oil, and a dash of sea salt.



    Step-by-step: Dough rising.


    Roll-out the dough with a rolling pin between parchment paper.


    The Simple Tomato Sauce & Toppings


    • Organic olive oil
    • Tomatoes: Abby Lee Farms
    • Fresh garlic
    • Sea Salt
    • Arugula: Blue Sky Organic Farm
    • Goat cheese
    • Olives


    Simple Steps

    • Heat saute pan on medium heat.
    • Saute tomatoes and garlic for 3-5 minutes, adding sea salt after the tomatoes begin to soften.


    Bake the Flatbread

    • Place pizza stone into oven. Heat oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Place rolled-out dough onto pizza stone.
    • Increase oven temperature to 400 degrees.
    • Coat top with olive oil.
    • Bake for 5-7 minutes.
    • Add toppings.
    • Bake for 5 minutes.
    • Enjoy.


    Interested in Melanie Albert’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating,” order today and I’ll gift-wrap and mail a copy to you. 



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Really Quick Intuitive Lunch: Dolmas and Farmers’ Market Left-overs

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Very often I like to intuitively create a very, very quick lunch using left-overs in my refrigerator. I love Dolmas and used these stuffed grape leaves as the inspiration for the lunch. With a Mediterranean focus, I added farmers’ market organic veggies and rich black Beluga lentils. Plus, I really wanted to enjoy fresh light pea sprouts from Steadfast Farm and bright edible flowers from Maya’s Farm.


    You’ll notice in the ingredient list I do not include amount of the different ingredients. In making an intuitive dish, use your intuition to choose a few of your favorite veggies and their amount. A dish created this way will be different and delicious every time.



    Ingredients in order of plating…

    • Black Beluga lentils
    • Dolmas, sliced
    • Avocado, sliced
    • Local yellow and red tomatoes
    • Romanesco tips
    • Capers
    • Sea salt
    • Pea shoots
    • Edible flowers


    Get your plating mise en place set…


    Mindfully plate the ingredients one-by-one and enjoy your lunch…

    ACTION: I invite you to choose a few ingredients in your refrigerator and mindfully and intuitively create a lunch. Share your culinary creations with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

    Buy Melanie’s cookbook, with 54 whole food, plant-based, gluten-free recipes…

    A few views of the Intuitive Lunch plate…



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Clean my Refrigerator Roasted Veggies & Beluga Lentils

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, retreat host, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLCs

    Today’s intuitive recipe is inspired by all the left-over veggies in my refrigerator. Fortunately, we are in the amazing Winter growing season and our local Arizona farmers are growing a wide variety of beautiful food.

    We can easily roast all kinds of veggies with the simple veggie roasting method in the Romanesco & Sweet Potato Blog. Today I roasted sunchokes, leeks, green garlic, golden beets, red and white radishes, purple cauliflower, broccoli, red pepper, a tomato and one Brussels sprout.


    How to Cook Black Beluga Lentils

    While the veggies were roasting I started to think about how the colorful veggies would beautifully contrast nicely with rich Black Beluga Lentils, with their deep color and delicate flavor.


    How to Cook Black Beluga Lentils


    • 1 cup black Beluga Lentils
    • 2 cups veggie stock
    • 3 inches kombu
    • 2 garlic cloves


    • Place all ingredients into pot.
    • Bring to a boil.
    • Simmer for 20-25 minutes with lid.
    • Enjoy with roasted veggies.

    Arizona Winter Farmers Roasted Veggies

    Let’s take a look at the beautiful roasted veggies…from refrigerator, to oven, to plate.



    • Place cut veggies in a bowl.
    • Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and a little sea salt to fully coat the veggies with the oil.
    • Place on parchment-lined sheet pan.
    • Roast at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.
    • Flip veggies.
    • Roast for another 15 minutes.

    Mindfully plate the roasted veggies and Black Beluga Lentils one-by-one…

    Another view of the beautiful, colorful roasted veggies and black beluga lentils…


    The final plate…


    ACTION: Have fun roasted veggies and cook some black Beluga lentils. Share your creations with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: 4 Great Ways to Cook 20 Pounds of Organic Tomatoes: Part 2: Slow Roast Tomatoes

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Continuing the recipe blog with this week’s 20 pounds of organic tomatoes, today’s recipe guide to roast tomatoes is a simple way to very easily cook tomatoes. Chop a few veggies and roast for in the oven with tomatoes for about 1 ½ -2 hours.

    This batch of tomatoes was cooked intuitively with a few ingredients from this week’s farmers’ market. And, while the tomatoes were cooking, I really enjoyed the natural sweet aromatherapy of the sauce that reminded me of an authentic Italian restaurant.

    Simple Ingredients

    • Tomatoes
    • Red peppers
    • Orange carrots
    • Green onions
    • Parsley
    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • Sea salt


    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Slice peppers, carrots, and green onions.


    • Place all veggies in a large baking pan.
    • Drizzle with olive oil.
    • Add a few pinches of sea salt.
    • Lightly toss the veggies.


    • Roast for about 1 ½ – 2 hours, stirring and breaking down tomatoes occasionally.


    This tomato sauce was so rich I enjoyed it on flatbread, and topped it with arugula, dehydrated tomatoes, and goat cheese. Enjoy your tomato sauce with flatbread, quinoa, or spiralized veggies.


    The next time you roast tomatoes, please share your creations with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Really Quick Veggie Sauté

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    When our days are full and we don’t have a lot of time to cook, a veggie sauté is a great option for a quickly prepared dinner. Today’s veggie sauté was inspired by several of my purchases from our local Arizona farmers’, including sweet potatoes, I’itoi onions, and arugula. To these veggies, I added a tomato, green pepper, and a few of my favorites, the olives, capers, and sun-dried tomatoes. The quick sauté was a beautiful combination of warming, sweet and earthy.


    Simple Steps to make a Quick Veggie Sauté

    Step 1: Choose a few veggies.  An aromatic onion. Some veggies with more moisture (like tomatoes and bell peppers) and some more dense root veggies, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, or beets. And, some light greens such as arugula or spinach.


    Step 2: Chop veggies in different shapes for visual interest in your dish.


    Step 3: Heat sauté pan at low heat. When the pan is warm, add a few tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil. Yes, when we use a high quality olive oil, with low acid level, below .7%, we can cook with it.

    Step 4: Add onions to the pan and gently sweat for about 5 minutes, until the onions are translucent.

    Step 5: Add bell pepper, increase heat to medium, and cook for a few minutes to release the flavors.

    Step 6: Add tomatoes and cook for another few minutes, to build the flavor base for the sauté. Add in a few pinches of sea salt to bring out the sweetness of the tomato.

    Step 7: Add sweet potatoes. Cook for another few minutes until the sweet potatoes are soft.



    Step 8: Add extras such as sun-dried tomatoes (re-hydrated in a simmering pot of water for a few minutes), olives, and capers.

    Step 9: Add a handful of arugula, gently toss, and cook for a minute or two.



    Step 10: Plate the veggies and enjoy.


    Quote from “A New View of Healthy Eating”

    “Have fun preparing quick, delicious veggie stir-fries with a few simple steps. The key is to be organized. Pre-chop all your ingredients and set up your mise en place (all ingredients in place) for your cooking before you start stir-frying.” Melanie Albert

    Culinary Tip from “A New View of Healthy Eating”: What’s the Difference: Sauté vs. Stir-fry

    Sautéing and stir-frying are similar dry-heat cooking methods to cook food quickly. Small, bite-size pieces of food are stirred or tossed and quickly cooked over high heat. With sautéing, usually a pan or skillet is used; with a stir-fry, traditionally a wok is used.  With stir-frying, the heat is higher and the action is faster with the food continuously tossed and stirred.

    ACTION: Have fun shopping at your local farmers’ market and create a quick, simple, delicious veggie sauté and share your creation with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

    A few Veggie Sauté ideas from book, “A New View of Healthy Eating”



    Interested in more healthy recipes, culinary techniques, and nutrition tips, purchase “A New View of Healthy Eating” today!






  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: How to Roast Beautiful Veggies: Romanesco and Sweet Potatoes

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: How to Roast Beautiful Veggies: Romanesco and Sweet Potatoes

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Roasting veggies is such a simple culinary technique that I taught my 88- and 91-year old Mom and Dad how to prepare them while in Cocoa Beach during the Christmas 2017 holiday. The key is to choose a few of your favorite veggies, add some organic extra virgin olive, oil, and sea salt or a mix of dried herbs. I was so excited to purchase a Romanesco cauliflower, a beautiful blend of cauliflower and broccoli and local Arizona farmers’ sweet potatoes for today’s roasted veggies.

    Simple Steps to Roast Romanesco and Sweet Potatoes

    Inspired by the beautiful Romanesco!


    Step 1: Get set with your mise en place – all ingredients in place: Romanesco, sweet potato, organic extra virgin olive oil, and sea salt.


    Step 2: Steam Romanesco. Prior to roasting, steam chopped romanesco in bamboo steamer for about 5 minutes. The romanesco is ready when fork easily slides into the veggie.


    Step 3:  Gently toss sweet potato and romanesco with organic extra virgin olive oil and pinch of sea salt.


    Step 4: Mindfully place veggies on a sheet pan. Be sure the veggies do not touch, to prevent them from steaming.


    Step 5: Roast veggies in 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Flip and roast another 8-12 minutes. Sweet potatoes will be crisp on outsie and soft inside.


    Step 6: Get set for plating. Today, I added home-made hummus, olives, and capers to the roasted romanesco and sweet potatoes.


    Step 7: Have fun mindfully plating your veggies. Be intuitive and remember, we eat with our eyes first.


    Step 8: Mindfully enjoy your meal!


    YOUR ACTION: Choose a few of your favorite veggies, roast and plate them. Enjoy. And, share your culinary creation with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Sprouted Spelt Flatbread: Cooked & Raw Cuisine

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Sprouted Spelt Flatbread: Cooked & Raw Cuisine

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    I’m excited to share my favorite cooked flatbread, Sprouted Spelt Flatbread, paired with Raw Pistachio Pesto and Fresh Tomatoes.

    As many of you are aware, I’ve been teaching whole foods cooking for several years, and am now learning more about gourmet raw culinary with Matthew Kenney Culinary. The flatbread really brings together these two ways of cooking. Enjoy!

    Organic Sprouted Spelt Flatbread

    Excerpt from “A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    A few years ago I discovered that I was sensitive to gluten (the protein in grains like wheat, barley, and rye). By exploring different grain flours, I’ve found that I’m not sensitive (no hives, no bloating, no headaches) to the Organic Sprouted Spelt Flour by One Degree Organic Foods. Have fun making your own flatbread with this simple recipe.


    • ¾ cup hot (not boiling) water
    • 1 tbsp dry yeast
    • ½ tbsp honey
    • 2 tbsp organic olive oil
    • 2 cups organic sprouted spelt flour
    • ½ tsp sea salt


    1. Pre-heat oven to 500 degrees F with pizza brick in the oven.
    2. Put dry yeast, honey, and olive oil into a cup with hot water.
    3. Let it sit for about 10 minutes.
    4. Pour sprouted spelt flour and sea salt in a bowl.
    5. Add the water with yeast into the flour mixture.
    6. Blend with a fork for a few minutes, then knead with your hands for another few minutes. Only knead for about 3-4 minutes total; otherwise, the flatbread will be tough. If the dough is sticky, add more flour. If it’s dry, add more water.
    7. Coat a large bowl with olive oil. Place dough in bowl, cover with a towel, and rest for about 15 minutes. Any additional water in the dough will soak into the flour.
    8. Split the dough in half. Place 2 balls of dough into the bowl coated with olive oil, and cover for about 2 hours (to rise).
    9. Again, split the dough into 2 sections and spread it onto a pizza brick using your hands.
    10. Bake for 5 minutes, then check for doneness (crispy on outside and soft on inside). Bake for another 3-5 minutes if needed.
    11. Enjoy.

    “This Organic Sprouted Spelt Flatbread has become a staple in my home and when I travel. This year I made the flatbread with 15 pounds of the flour and my family and friends from Florida to Arizona all enjoyed its simplicity.”


    Quick Pistachio Basil Pesto and Quick Marinated Tomatoes

    Quick Pistachio Basil Pesto


    • ¼ cup fresh basil leaves
    • ¼ cup pistachios, rough chopped
    • 1 TBSP organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 TBSP fresh lemon juice
    • Pinch Celtic sea salt


    • Rough chop basil and pistachios
    • Gently mix basil and pistachios with a fork in a small bowl
    • Squeeze in lemon juice
    • Drizzle in olive oil
    • Add sea salt
    • Stir
    • Add extra olive oil, lemon, or sea salt, as needed for your taste

    Quick Marinated Tomatoes


    • ¼ cup tomatoes (variety of small heirloom, if available)
    • 1 TBSP organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 TBSP fresh lemon juice
    • Pinch sea salt


    • Rough chop tomatoes and place in a small bowl
    • Add lemon juice, olive oil, and sea salt to tomatoes
    • Gently mix with a fork
    • Add extra olive oil, lemon or sea salt, as needed for your taste


    • Place three slices of flatbread on plate
    • Spoon pesto to half of each flatbread slice
    • Spoon tomatoes to the other half of each flatbread slice
    • Garnish with micro greens
    • Enjoy!

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    If you are interested in purchasing in my book, “A New View of Healthy Eating,” stop by one of my cooking events in the Phoenix area. Or, if you are out-of-town, I’m happy to mail a copy to you.



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Quick Organic Tomato-Lemon Sauce Step-by-Step Videos

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Quick Organic Tomato-Lemon Sauce Step-by-Step Videos

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This week I purchased 20 pounds of organic tomatoes for only $20 from McClendon’s Select at the Uptown Farmer’s Market in Phoenix. Every time I have the opportunity to purchase these goodies I get so excited and then I immediately realize that I’ve just given myself a cooking project to squeeze into the week.

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    Last night I made four different batches of tomato sauce, 3 on the stove-top and one roasted in the oven. The lemon tomato sauce was so incredible that I decided to cook another batch today and took some videos to show you the process. The sauce is still on my stove and my home is full of the lemon aromatherapy.

    A quick look at the fresh ingredients in the 4 different tomato sauces.

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    The cooked tomato sauces.

    The first batch of tomato lemon sauce with capers, marjoram, and brown rice. This delicious and fresh dish inspired the big batch of tomato sauce that you’ll see in the step-by-step videos in today’s blog.


    With these videos, learn the simple steps to make your own tomato sauce. Go out to a farmers’ market in your area, buy some fresh organic tomatoes and have fun creating your own tomato sauces.

    Step 1: Mise en place. All set with the ingredients for the tomato lemon sauce.

    Step 2: Getting started with the tomatoes, lemons, organic extra virgin olive oil, and Himalayan sea salt into the saute pan.

    Step 3: Tomatoes are beginning to break-down in the saute pan and the lemon aromatherapy is already infusing my kitchen.

    Step 4: Breakdown tomatoes with your bamboo spoon.

    Step 5: Simmer the sauce for about 20-25 minutes.

    Step 6: Tomatoes and lemons are simmering. So simple.

    Step 7: The simple beauty of food. Today’s organic tomato lemon sauce.

    Have fun shopping at your local farmers’ markets. Buy some organic tomatoes. Create your own sauces. And, share your culinary dishes with us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

    Interested in additional simple culinary skills and recipes? “A New View of Healthy Eating” book is available right here.

    The beauty of simple food.


  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Way to Roast Tomatoes in the Oven

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Yesterday, when roasting roots, I also decided to cook some tomatoes and beautiful peppers, with a shallot.  The tomatoes and peppers were both grown by farmers within a few miles of my home. The tomatoes were from Abby Lee Farms and the beautiful peppers from Maya’s Farm at The Farm at South Mountain.

    To roast the veggies, I simply tossed the tomatoes and peppers with the same dressing as the roasted roots – organic extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, dried oregano and basil. The aromatherapy was so sweet and I loved the sweetness of the tomatoes.

    Excerpt from A New View of Healthy Eating

    Simple Roasted Tomatoes Sauce

    Oven-roasted tomato sauce is very easy to cook. The main ingredient is time. Be creative with the quantity and combination of tomatoes, onions, carrot, and garlic when you roast this beautiful, delicious sauce. Use the sauce with veggies or, to make soup, strain the cooked tomatoes through cheesecloth, then blend into a creamy soup.


    • Tomatoes
    • Red onion, sliced
    • Few carrots, chopped
    • Few garlic cloves, sliced
    • Sea salt


    1. Place whole tomatoes in a large roasting pan.
    2. Add the onions, carrots, garlic, and sea salt and lightly toss.
    3. Roast for about 3 hours, stirring every 45-60 minutes.
    4. Enjoy the aroma of the roasting tomatoes.

    In many parts of our country, tomatoes are in season, so I invite you to visit your local farmers’ market, buy some tomatoes, and create your own simple roasted tomatoes. 

    Post your tomato creations with us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Experience Nutrition Organic Avocado Salsa

    By Melanie A. Albert, Intuitive Cooking Expert, Author and Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    Today was one of the most exciting days for me, as the first printing of my new book, A New View of Healthy Eating arrived.

    The book has been a labor of love and I am so honored to share my philosophies, simple culinary techniques, and recipe guides to encourage you to enjoy shopping for, cooking and eating beautiful healthy food.

    Today, I committed to create one of the recipes in the book every day and to post a blog for you. My goal is to inspire you to create a simple, healthy dish and share your creation on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

    First, I am honored to share a few images of the book with you.

    Now, my recipe today was a simple Avocado Salsa, inspired by a huge organic Reed avocado. Reed avocados only grow a few months out of the year and have more of the healthy monounsaturated fat in them, so they are really rich and creamy.


    Today’s Avocado Salsa was intuitively created with:

    • 1 organic Reed avocado
    • Peppers from Maya’s Farm in Phoenix
    • A few tomatoes from Abby’s Farm, about 4 miles from my home
    • Fresh lemon basil from Maya’s Farm, just a mile from my home
    • Garlic from the Community Exchange
    • Fresh lemon and sea salt
    • Ezekiel wrap

    The intuitive Avocado Salsa, as salad and then as a wrap.

    I’ll be placing the second order for A New View of Healthy Eating in about a week, after we review for any minor edits. Pre-order today if you’d like to order a copy and be one of the first to experiment with the culinary skills and recipes in the book. You’ll also receive my Top 5 Favorite Recipes & Culinary Tips.

    Step 1: Buy the Book


     Step 2: Join our list to receive the Top 5 Favorite Recipes & Culinary Tips

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Sweet & Rich Roasted Roots

    by Melanie A. Albert, Intuitive Cooking Expert, Author, Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    A few of my friends have been asking for some of the culinary techniques and recipes in my new book, A New View of Healthy Eating. I’m excited to share one of my very favorite simple techniques to enjoy all kinds of root vegetables. With these simple steps, you can create delicious roasted roots every time you cook them. Have fun with the roots that are in season at farmers’ markets in your area.

    Roasted roots are beautiful, flavorful, and sweet, as well as a rich, colorful complement to any meal. The roasting culinary technique is a dry heat cooking method that intensifies and concentrates the flavor of vegetables. When roasted properly, the natural sugars in the vegetables brown or caramelize to create a deep, rich flavor. When visiting your farmers’ market, buy a few roots even if you don’t recognize them, and roast them with this simple, quick culinary technique. Enjoy roasted roots as a side dish, to create soup, with hummus, or in a raw kale salad or veggie wrap.


    • 10-12 of your favorite roots: carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, golden beets, red beets, and radishes
    • Approximately ¼ cup organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 3 tbsp dry herbs (Choose a few: basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, or thyme)
    • ½ tsp sea salt


    1. Pre-heat oven to 475 degrees F.
    2. Scrub roots under running water to clean the outside.
    3. Let sit for about 10 minutes to dry.
    4. Slice roots into even, bite-size pieces.
    5. Mix olive oil, herbs, and sea salt in a bowl to make the dressing.
    6. Add root vegetables to the bowl and toss to evenly coat with the dressing.
    7. Carefully lay the roots on parchment paper in a heavy-duty flat baking sheet pan. Place roots flat side down in a single layer, making sure the vegetables do not touch.
    8. Place baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven.
    9. Roast roots in the oven for about 20 minutes, then turn vegetables.
    10. Cook another 15 minutes, until fork tender.
    11. Plate vegetables. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil.
    12. Enjoy!


     “In my public and private hands-on cooking classes, I encourage participants to experiment with different herbs and spices for roasted roots. A fun way to intuitively choose herbs is to close your eyes, smell different herbs, and intuitively decide which to use when flavoring the root vegetables. Have fun and be creative.”

    Roots are Good for Us!  Roots are nutrient-dense, grounding, and sweet. Enjoy experimenting with the many different types of roots, such as carrots, celery root, golden beets, red beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, turnips, and radishes. Root vegetables are:

    • Nutrient-dense with calcium, iron, beta carotene, and vitamins A, C, and E.
    • Energetically grounding, as roots grow in the earth.
    • Naturally sweet when cooked, thus helping reduce sugar cravings.

    Roast a Radish. If you’ve never roasted a radish, try a few and notice the difference between a spicy raw radish and a sweet roasted radish.

    Simple Veggie Stir-fry….from A New View of Healthy Eating

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    ANewViewHealthEating-BookCoverShare your roasted roots photos with us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating