Several times a year I have the great opportunity to purchase a flat – 20 pounds – of organic Campari tomatoes from McClendon Select Farms in Phoenix. This week I shared a few pounds of the tomatoes in a Wise Choices Meet-up with the Valley of the Sun United Way. After that I started creating a few different batches of tomatoes with the other beautiful produce from this week’s Uptown Farmers Market.
4 Different Ways to Cook Tomatoes
I invite you to use these 4 ways to cook the tomatoes as a guide to cook tomatoes from your local farmers’ markets. During the next few days I’ll be blogging the cooking process with photos and videos for all of these ways to cook tomatoes.
- Roasted Tomatoes. Orange Carrots. Red Peppers. Green Onions.
- Stove Top Tomato Sauté. Arizona Lemons.
- Dehydrated Tomatoes.
- Roasted Tomatoes. Leeks. Green Garlic.
Dehydrated Tomatoes
Dehydrating tomatoes is a really simple way to prepare tomatoes. When we dehydrate, the flavor of the tomatoes becomes very concentrated and sweet.
Simple Steps
- Slice tomatoes in rounds: half or in thirds.
- Place on dehydrator screens, with skin side down.
- Dehydrate at 115 degrees for about 10-12 hours. Enjoy the tomato aromatherapy while dehydrating.
- Store in air-tight glass jars.
The dehydrated tomatoes were so delicious, I sliced a few more pounds, which are in the dehydrator right now.
5 Great Ways to Enjoy Dehydrated Tomatoes
- Enjoy as a snack.
- Add to a veggie sauté.
- Use as a pizza or flatbread topping.
- Process in a raw marinara sauce for a deep flavor.
- Add to a nut pate for a fresh taste.
Stay in touch, as I’ll be sharing the other four ways to cook 20 pound of tomatoes. If you dehydrate tomatoes, please share your experience with us on Facebook:
For some additional ideas to cook tomatoes, Melanie’s book, “A New View of Healthy Eating” is available.