by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

Today was a full day of menu and recipe visioning and farmers’ market shopping for the Plantlab Culinary Cooking Course Final Project. As a result, I did not have a lot of time for cooking and ate left-over roasted veggies and hummus for dinner. With only a little time to share a recipe with you today, I decided to make a very quick pickle to share with you.

Pickling is basically a way to preserve food by fermentation with with acid (vinegar), salt, and a sweetener. Today’s pickle features fennel bulb, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, agave, black peppercorns, plus an orange and fresh thyme.


Simple Ingredients

  • 2 cups sliced veggies, such as cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, or fennel, green beans, beets, Brussels sprouts.
  • 1 citrus fruit, such as orange or lemon
  • Few sprigs fresh herbs, such as thyme, dill
  • 2-3 tbsp sea salt
  • ½ cup vinegar (apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, rice vinegar)
  • ¼ cup sweetener (agave, honey, maple sugar, coconut sugar, palm sugar)
  • ½ cup water, as needed
  • Extras: ½ tsp dried spices such as coriander, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, dill seeds, mustard seeds


The Simple Steps to Prepare Your Pickled Veggies

Step 1: Choose a veggie, such as fennel, cabbage, carrots, or cucumbers, beets, green beans, or Brussels sprouts.

Step 2: Thinly slice the veggies with a knife or mandoline. If you use a mandoline to thinly slice the veggies, they will absorb the vinegar mixture more and become more sour.

Step 3: Massage the veggies, citrus with the salt, pepper, and fresh herbs in a large bowl.


Step 4: Whisk the vinegar and sweetener in a small bowl.

Step 5: Place the massaged veggies into a quart sterilized Mason Jar.

Step 6: Pour the vinegar and sweetener mixture into the jar to cover the veggies.


Step 7: Add enough water to fully cover the veggies, leaving about 1” space at top of jar.


Step 8: Cover the top of the veggies with a lettuce or cabbage leaf to make sure all veggies stay submerged in the liquid to prevent bacteria growth.


Step 9: Store the jar at room temperature, out of direct sunlight for 5-7 days to allow for fermentation.

Step 10: After 5-7 days, taste the pickled veggies.  When you like the level of sourness, store in your refrigerator for about 2 weeks.

Step 11: Enjoy your pickled veggies with a slice of avocado or nut cheese.

ACTION: Have fun experimenting with quick pickling with veggies from your farmers’ market and with different spices.

For more simple recipes, culinary and nutrition tips, I’m happy to mail a copy of my book,  “A New View of Healthy Eating,” to you or your friends.


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