Natural Awakenings Arizona: Recipe 2: Arizona Spring Steamed Veggies. Arugula Hempseed Pesto

by Melanie Albert, Plant-Based Farm-to-Table Culinary Expert, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition, award-winning cookbook author, speaker,

So honored to create “recipe articles” for the Natural Awakenings Arizona magazine, with our local farmers produce. For the March 2020 issue, the recipes include:

Recipe: Arizona Spring Steamed Veggies. Arugula Hempseed Pesto

Enjoy a simple lunch or side dish by gently steaming local Arizona Spring veggies in a bamboo steamer and enjoy with simple Arugula Hempseed Pesto.

Lightly steaming veggies brings out the beautiful colors and natural flavor of vegetables, while maintaining their nutrients. Steam a mix of a few Spring veggies with different colors, shapes, and textures, such as golden and Cylindra beets, Daikon radishes, Tropical Black carrots, purple snow peas, sugar snap peas, and corn grown at The Soil & Seed Garden at the Farm at South Mountain.  Plus, steam beautiful, unique roots, such as those grown by farmer Billy Anthony of Tropizona – China Rose Radishes and Hinona Kabu and Hida Beni Red Turnips – to add brilliant red and purple to the dish. Enjoy the Spring steamed veggies with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt, refreshing Arugula Hempseed Pesto, and Calendula flowers.

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The Farm at South Mountain Spring Produce

Tropizona Radishes and Turnips

Always be mindfully organized when cooking…

Arizona Spring Veggies Grown at The Farm at South Mountain & Tropizona

Steamed Spring Veggies

A bamboo steamer is key to simple plant-based cooking.  Learn to steam spring veggies with the mindful process of steaming.

Simple Ingredients

  • 5-7 different Spring veggies, such as beets, carrots, purple snow peas, sugar snap peas, corn, radishes, turnips, sliced
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Garnish: Edible flowers

 Simple Steps

  • To set up the bamboo steamer, fill a large (6- to 8-quart) soup pot with 3-4 inches of water, place over high heat, and bring to a boil.
  • Place sliced veggies into the bamboo steamer. Spread out the veggies so that they do not touch each other to allow the steam to rise and cook them. Sprinkle veggies with a pinch of sea salt.
  • Place bamboo steamer on top of the pot with steaming water. Cover with lid and let steam for about 5-7 minutes or until just cooked.
  • Test the veggies for doneness. When veggies easily come off a fork, they’re ready.
  • Once the veggies have finished cooking, pour them into a large bowl.
  • Drizzle with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.
Veggies into the Bamboo Steamer

The fresh steamed veggies


Make simple Arugula, Hempseed Lemon Pesto to enjoy with steamed Arizona Spring veggies. With plant-based cooking, add extra flavor to vegetables with simple herb and seed pestos.

Simple Ingredients

  • 2 cups arugula
  • 1/2 cup hempseeds
  • 5-7 stems chives
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 lemon zested
  • Pinch sea salt

Simple Steps

  • Place all ingredients (except olive oil) into mini-processor or food processor and blend.
  • After processing, stream in ¼ cup of olive oil.
  • Adjust with oil, lemon, or salt to suit your taste.
  • Enjoy with steamed veggies.
Arugula Hempseed Pesto Mise en Place

Mindful Plating

  • Mindfully plate the veggies and pesto, showcasing the color and shapes of the veggies.
  • Garnish with edible flowers.
Arizona Steamed Veggies: Ready to Plate

Simple plating…to start…


And, next, a full bowl of steamed veggies and pesto…

Arizona Spring Steamed Veggies. Arugula Hempseed Pesto.

2020 Sedona Plant-Based Cooking & Self Care Retreats

A-SedonaRetreat-S19-LunchSat-Group-DSC_7548 copy
Getting started with our mindful chopping for our fresh Tomato Gazpacho and Avocado Tartare.

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Beautiful Plant-Based Lunch Creation: Avocado Tartare

A-SedonaRetreat-S19-Cath-water-DSC_8072 copy
Yoga at one of my very favorite spots in the world: Cathedral Rock in Sedona, Arizona.

2020 Authentic Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Cooking Experiences at The Farm with Lead Grower Billy Anthony and award-winning cookbook author, Melanie Albert.

Classes held at The Farm at South Mountain, 6101 S. 32nd Street, Phoenix, Arizona

To Purchase, click below on the class date:



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