Tag: Simple Recipe

  • Experience Nutrition: Arizona Summer Plant-Based Flatbread. Edible Flowers.

    Experience Nutrition: Arizona Summer Plant-Based Flatbread. Edible Flowers.

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    Upon returning to Phoenix after traveling the last few weeks to my niece, Mallory’s wedding in Massachusetts, visiting with my parents in Cocoa Beach, and scouting villas for retreats in Barbados, I’m getting back into my local farm-to-table shopping and cooking rhythm.

    This week I visited my farmer friend, Billy Anthony Lead Grower at the Soil & Seed Garden at Farm at South Mountain, in Phoenix, to catch up and see what was growing in our 100 degree weather. I was especially happy to see hundreds or thousands of beautiful tomatoes, zucchini, and edible flowers.


    Inspired by the tomatoes, I intuitively created a Summer Flatbread with other veggies purchased from local Arizona farmers at the Downtown Phoenix Public Market. I purchased beautiful baby arugula and carrots from Blue Sky Organic Farms in Litchfield Park and Matt’s tomatoes from the Community Exchange.

    Let’s take a look at The Farm at South Mountain, at the beginning of our hot Arizona Summer.

    RECIPE: Arizona Summer Plant-Based Flatbread. Edible Flowers.

    The Summer Flatbread highlights our local Arizona tomatoes, zucchini, arugula, and carrots, and also features one of my favorite roasted veggies, Brussels sprouts, plus red peppers for flavor and color. The yeast-free flatbread is a quick recipe to prepare when your time is limited as we do not need to wait hours for the dough to rise. The cashew cream is a very simple raw nut cream that works well as a cheesy taste in the flatbread.  Finally, the beautiful, colorful edible flowers bring life to the dish.


    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 large tomato (The Farm at South Mountain)
    • 2 cups Brussels sprouts
    • 1 small zucchini (The Farm at South Mountain)
    • 1 carrot (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 5-6 small red peppers
    • 2 green onions
    • 2-3 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil (Hatun Oregano Olive Oil)
    • 1 tsp sea salt


    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
    • Slice all veggies.


    • Place all veggies into roasting pans.
    • Drizzle with olive oil.
    • Sprinkle on sea salt.
    • Roast for 12 minutes.
    • Stir veggies.
    • Roast for another 12 minutes.
    • Use veggies as flatbread toppings.


    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water 2-4 hours
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    • Pinch sea salt
    • ¼ cup water, adjust for desired creaminess.


    Simple Steps

    • Rinse and drain the soaked cashews.
    • Pour all ingredients into a blender.
    • Blend to desired smoothness.

    EXPERIENCE NUTRITIONTM Yeast-Free Quick Flatbread

    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 ¼ cups sprouted spelt flour
    • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
    • ¼ tsp sea salt
    • 1 ½ tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil (dough)
    • ½ cup water
    • 1 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil (spread on dough prior to baking)

    Garnish Ingredients

    • 1 cup arugula (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • Matt’s tomatoes (Community Exchange, Downtown Phoenix Public Market)
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • Pinch sea salt
    • Edible Flowers (The Farm at South Mountain)


    Simple Steps

    • Place pizza stone into oven. Pre-heat oven to 390 degrees F. Pre-bake the stone for about 5 minutes.
    • In large glass bowl, with a fork mix dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, olive oil, salt.
    • Add 3/8 cup water and oil until dough forms a ball. Add additional water, as needed.
    • Knead on a lightly floured surface for 3-4 minutes.
    • Flatten out the dough on floured parchment-paper.
    • With parchment paper on top of the dough, roll thinly with a rolling pin.
    • Carefully move flatbread to pre-heated pizza stone.
    • Spread 1 tbsp of olive oil onto the flatbread.


    • Bake flatbread for 5 minutes.
    • Remove stone from oven.
    • Spread cashew cream on the top of the flatbread.
    • Add tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, and onions to the top of the flatbread.
    • Cook for about 8 minutes.
    • Garnish with arugula, drizzle of olive oil, and edible flowers.


    Mindful garnishing of the flatbread.

    • Enjoy. Enjoy the beauty. Enjoy the tasty.


    • Pause and enjoy the flatbread creation.


    • My simple plate…


    2019 Local First Arizona Independents Week: June 29 – July 6, 2019

    One-time Local Special:  Save 20%. Sedona Plant-Based Culinary Retreat, September 13-16, 2019. 

    Join us for a Memorable Plant-Based Cooking Retreat in Sedona, Arizona, September 13-16, 2019

    • Learn simple, easy plant-based cooking techniques.
    • View food differently with mindful cooking and eating.
    • Enjoy urban farm-to-table cooking experience.
    • Experience self-care with hiking and yoga.
    • Take home retreat experiences to be healthier & make positive long-term lifestyle changes.

    During our Sedona Plant-Based Cooking Fall 2019 Retreat, you’ll experience several days of hands-on, simple plant-based cooking with organic food, mindfulness in the kitchen and eating. We’ll enjoy a farm-to-table cooking experience at a local urban farm. You’ll experience self-care with hiking and yoga in the beauty of Sedona.

    In the memorable life-changing retreat, our intention is for you to enjoy the cooking and self-care experiences during the retreat and then most importantly take home the experiences and plant-based cooking learning from the retreat to make positive lifestyle changes in your lives.

    Click to learn more about the retreat on our website.

    Or, contact, Melanie Albert (Mel@MelanieAlbert.com or 602.615.2486) to answer your questions and to reserve your spot!



  • Experience Nutrition Farm-to-Table Recipes: Roasted Purple Cauliflower, Romanesco, and Carrots. Hemp Seed Tabouli

    Experience Nutrition Farm-to-Table Recipes: Roasted Purple Cauliflower, Romanesco, and Carrots. Hemp Seed Tabouli

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    It’s been such a beautiful Spring in Arizona, that this weekend I took time to enjoy self care, soaking in the beauty of our Arizona sky and visiting the Gilbert Farmers’ Market in Gilbert, Arizona, about 15 miles from my home.


    In the Phoenix area we have many different farmers markets throughout the Valley of the Sun and it’s fun to explore the different markets. At the Gilbert market I saw a few friends and “walked my talk” by shopping for my produce with intuition. With this way of shopping, we purchase veggies that we get excited about or are attracted to…the colors, the textures, or the beauty.

    Enjoy the Community at Farmers Markets.

    It was so much fun to chat with some of my friends at the market…

    Crooked Sky Farms. Fun to catch up with Farmer Frank, who I first met when I auditioned for Master Chef about 6 years ago. Farmer Frank, long-time farmer with Crooked Sky Farms, has been farming since 1999. Frank has farms in Phoenix and Duncan, Arizona, with different climates and different growing seasons.

    Blue Sky Organic Farms. So happy to have the opportunity to meet in person for the first time, one of my plant-based culinary teachers, Don Maloney who is now having fun working with Blue Sky Organic Farms, in Litchfield Park, Arizona. Blue Sky has been farming in Arizona since 1995, and is well-known for their salad mix. Don is now “growing  his own.”

    Steadfast Organic Farm. I absolutely love the carrots grown by farmer, Erich Schultz of Blue Sky Organic Farms, a two acre bio-intensive farm in Mesa, Arizona. I love Erich’s dedication to always continuing to learn and to share his farming knowledge with other urban farmers.

    Genuine Fresche. So happy to see my long-time entrepreneur friend, Marcy Olsen and her Genuine Fresche Food Truck. Fresche offers delicious, healthy Acai Bowls (which I enjoyed for breakfast at the market) and freshly blended smoothies. I love Marcy’s passion for healthy eating!


    Farm-to-Table Recipe:  Roasted Cauliflower, Romanesco, and Carrots

    Simple roasted veggies culinary method to prepare and enjoy fresh local cauliflower and carrots. Roast the veggies with onions, sweet peppers, and garlic for a flavorful side dish.

    Simple Ingredients

    • 6-8 Romanesco florets (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 6-8 Purple Cauliflower florets (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 2 Green Onions (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 8-10 Carrots, sliced (Steadfast Farms)
    • 1 Purple sweet potato, sliced
    • 3 Lunchbox yellow, orange, or red sweet peppers
    • 2 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • Pinch sea salt


    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
    • Slice veggies.


    • Place veggies in baking pan (enamel or stainless steel).


    • Drizzle with olive oil and sea salt.
    • Toss veggies to coat with the oil and salt.
    • Roast for 10 minutes.
    • Toss veggies.
    • Roast for 10 minutes.


    • Enjoy with Hemp Seed Tabouli and Edible Flowers.

    Recipe: Hemp Seed Tabouli

    Inspired by the fresh parsley, this easy-to-prepare gluten-free tabouli pairs nicely with the richness of roasted veggies.

    Simple Ingredients

    • ½ cup fresh parsley, rough chopped (Blue Sky Organic Farm)
    • 1 tomato, rough chopped
    • ¼ cup hemp seeds
    • 1 lime, juiced
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • 2-3 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • Pinch sea salt


    Simple Steps

    • Chop parsley, tomato, onion, and garlic.


    • With a fork, mix veggies, hemp seeds, lime juice, olive oil, and sea salt.


    • Add lime juice, olive oil, or sea salt to suit your taste.


    Plate and Enjoy

    • Plate the Roasted Veggies with the Parsley Tabouli and Edible Flowers and enjoy.


    A few fun plates, starting with dramatic.



    Enjoy roasted veggies in the pansy garden.


    Fun Roasted Veggie Bowl…


    Interested in learning simple, easy plant-based cooking techniques and enjoy self-care in Fall 2019 in the beauty of Sedona? Click to learn more.

    To learn more, feel free to call 602.615.2486 or e-mail Mel@MelanieAlbert.com 



  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Arizona Spring Flatbread

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Arizona Spring Flatbread

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    Each week I have the incredible opportunity to intuitively create recipes with the beautiful food so passionately grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony in the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona.

    Spring Farm-to-Table Flatbread

    The beauty of the Soil & Seed Garden greens and “purple greens” were the inspiration for my weekly flatbread.

    Let’s take a look at the Spring CSA

    The Farm at South Mountain: CSA March 2019


    To prepare your Spring Farm-to-Table Flatbread, follow the following recipes to create a flatbread with your local seasonal ingredients. Please share your flatbread creations with us on www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating or tag @nutritionauthor on Instagram.

    • Roasted Veggies: Choose a few seasonal veggies, such as cauliflower, radishes, and tomatoes.
    • Sauteed Greens & Purples: Choose a few of your favorites, such as arugula, spinach, or shungiku (chrysanthemum).
    • Cashew Cream: Quick Plant-based sauce created with raw cashews.
    • Quick Yeast-Free Flatbread: Quick flatbread that takes less time that yeast flatbread.
    • Creation Video: Layering of veggies onto the flatbread.
    • Final Flatbread: A look at the cooked flatbread with sauteed greens.


    Simple Ingredients from the Soil & Seed Garden

    • 10-12 radishes, sliced
    • 1 small head, cauliflower, sliced

    Other Simple Ingredients

    • 2-3 small tomatoes, sliced
    • 3-4 mini sweet peppers
    • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
    • 2-3 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 tsp sea salt
    Ingredients Set for the Spring Flatbread and Sauteed Greens & Purples

    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
    • Slice veggies into bite-sized pieces.
    Mise en Place: Roasted Veggies
    • In a bowl, gently coat veggies with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.
    Add olive oil and a pinch of salt to veggies prior to roasting.
    • Place veggies on parchment-lined flat sheet pan, flat side down with veggies not touching.
    Place veggies on parchment-lined flat sheet, with veggies not touching.
    • Roast for 12 minutes.
    • Flip veggies.
    • Roast for another 12 minutes.
    • Use veggies as flatbread toppings.
    Roasted veggies are ready for the Spring flatbread.


    Simple Ingredients from Soil & Seed Garden

    • 2 cups of 3-4 greens from Soil & Seed Garden, such as Shungiku, Minutina, Purple Orach, Red Spinach
    • 3-4 leaves, lemon verbena
    • 1 tsp organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 2-3 tbsp fresh grapefruit juice
    • Pinch sea salt
    Mise en place for sauteed greens: Red Spinach, Purple Orach, Shungiku (Chrysanthemum), Minutina.

    Simple Steps

    • Pre-heat medium sauté pan on medium.
    • Add olive oil to pan.
    • Add to pan, green colored greens, lemon verbena, pinch sea salt, and 1 tbsp grapefruit juice.
    • Lightly toss the greens to cook for 2 minutes.
    • Remove greens from pan.
    • Follow same cooking steps for the purple greens.
    Saute greens lightly and quickly with squeeze of fresh grapefruit juice and a pinch of sea salt.

    Greens & Purples Sauteed for the Flatbread

    The beauty of the greens and purples.


    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water 2-4 hours
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    • Pinch sea salt
    • ¼ cup water, adjust for desired creaminess.


    Simple Steps

    • Pour all ingredients into a blender.
    • Blend to desired smoothness.

    EXPERIENCE NUTRITIONTM Yeast-Free Quick Flatbread

    Simple Ingredients

    • 1 ¼ cups sprouted spelt flour
    • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
    • ¼ tsp sea salt
    • 1 ½ tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil (dough)
    • ½ cup water
    • 1 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil (spread on dough prior to baking)
    Mise en place set for the Yeast-free Quick Flatbread.

    Simple Steps

    • Place pizza stone into oven. Pre-heat oven to 390 degrees F. Pre-bake the stone for about 5 minutes.
    • In large glass bowl, with a fork mix dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt.
    Mix the sprouted spelt flour, baking power, and salt. Then add olive oil and water.


    • Add 3/8 cup water and oil until dough forms a ball. Add additional water, as needed.
    • Knead on a lightly floured surface for 3-4 minutes.
    Kneed the dough for 3-4 minutes.
    • Flatten out the dough on floured parchment-paper.
    • With parchment paper on top of the dough, roll thinly with a rolling pin.
    Roll out the flatbread with a rolling pin.
    • Carefully move flatbread to pre-heated pizza stone.
    • Spread 1 tbsp of olive oil onto the flatbread.
    • Bake flatbread for 5 minutes.
    • Remove stone from oven.
    • Spread cashew cream on the top of the flatbread.
    • Add veggies to the top of the flatbread.
    • Cook for about 8 minutes.
    • Garnish with edible flowers.
    • Enjoy!

    Mise en Place Spring Farm-to-Table Flatbread

    Mise en place to prepare the Spring Flatbread.

    Enjoy the Step-by-Step Video of Layering the ingredients on the flatbread.

    Let’s take a look a the beautiful, tasty, local Arizona flatbread.

    The beauty of the Spring Farm-to-Table Flatbread.


    Spring Farm-to-Table Flatbread. Sauteed Greens.





    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”



    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm

    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon



    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    NaturalAwakeAZ-Jan19-Cover-IMG_7717 (1)
    Natural Awakenings Arizona, January 2019

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page



  • Experience Nutrition: Behind the Scenes for The List TV Shoot

    Experience Nutrition: Behind the Scenes for The List TV Shoot

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    As an entrepreneur, I am totally living my passion. Connecting with our local Arizona farmers and chef friends, and having so much fun every day enjoying real whole foods.

    I am so humbled to be invited to appear on tv segments with The List TV Show, produced by Scripps, right here in Phoenix, Arizona, and aired in 41 markets across the USA.

    In the recent February 2019 segment our focus was the HMR Diet, rated as the #1 weight loss diet by US News & World Report. Our angle was to create 3 different meals taking into account the 3 2 5 philosophy of HMR. That is, eat 3 Shakes a Day, 2 Entrees a Day, and 5 Servings of Veggies and Fruit a Day.

    Pre-Production with the Producer

    The producer, Olivia Schneider and I wanted all of the meals to be simple to prepare and in keeping with my plant-based focus. For the shake, we decided to make home-made cashew milk as the base for a raspberry smoothie. For the Entree we chose a Farm-to-Table Veggie Bowl with Brown Rice, and for the Veggies, it’s a colorful Farm-to-Table Roots and Greens Salad with a vibrant rainbow of veggies.

    Farm-to-Table Just Harvested Produce for the Shoot

    A few days prior the tv shoot — as soon as the recipes were approved –I reached out to my passionate urban farmer friend, Billy Anthony at The Farm at South Mountain. Billy supplied us with literally “just-harvested” produce for the shoot including all kinds of beautiful roots, greens, veggies, edible flowers, and even a floral arrangement.

    A Quick Look at The Farm at South Mountain Soil & Seed Garden

    Billy was kind enough to organize and label the produce, so the different types of unique veggies and greens would be perfectly clear. Even the edible flowers were labeled.


    Thanks to Billy for the beautiful farm-to-table floral arrangement for our kitchen set.


    Day Before the Shoot: Finalize the Recipes

    A little more than 24 hours before the shoot, I started to intuitively decide which veggies would make sense with the two different veggie dishes: Roasted Farm-to-Table Veggie Bowl and Rainbow Salad. And, we finalized the recipes that we’d be filming.

    Food for the Shoot

    Incredibly beautiful just-harvested produce from the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain.

    Day of Shoot Food Pre-Production

    The morning of the shoot started quite early, around 6am as I began to cook and prep food for the shoot, so we’d be ready with the final components of each of the dishes for on-camera. Just for fun, my pre-shoot cooking check-list.


    Behind the scene out-takes from Pre-Prep

    A video look at the pre-production prep for The List TV Shoot…all set for the Crew.

    The Kitchen Set

    Right at 1pm, when I had just finished cooking and organizing the pre-prep food, the crew arrived and set up my kitchen for the shoot.




    We all loved the edible flowers. Thanks so much to urban farmer, Billy Anthony at The Farm at South Mountain.


    On Set: The Make your Own Shake: Raspberry Goji Berry Cashew Milk Smoothie

    On Set: The Farm-to-Table Roasted Veggie Bowl

    On Set: The Beautiful Farm-to-Table Roots & Greens Salad

    The beautiful dishes we created, with plating by  The List TV Show Co-Host Segun Oduolowu.

    Now, lets’ take a look at the beautiful dishes we creating during the shoot. During the segment, I guided The List co-host Segun Oduolowu to plate the dishes. Thanks again to urban farmer, Billy Anthony  for the beautiful food grown at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain. Thanks so much to The List for the opportunity to work together to bring these “create your own dishes” to your viewers.




    Please join the Experience Nutrition Blog and come back for the step-by-step photos of the creating of the recipes created in for this tv segment with The List.



    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”



    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm

    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon



    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    NaturalAwakeAZ-Jan19-Cover-IMG_7717 (1)
    Natural Awakenings Arizona, January 2019

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page




  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: 15 Arizona Greens & 1 Green Drink

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: 15 Arizona Greens & 1 Green Drink

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    Each week I have the incredible opportunity to intuitively create recipes with the beautiful food so passionately grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony in the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona.

    During the last few weeks, Billy has been growing and we’ve been enjoying so many different greens. What I love about the greens is that they are so beautiful with so many various shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. And, they offer different flavors. Some more mild. Some very spicy. Plus, we can enjoy greens raw in salads and beverages, lightly sautéed in a side dish, and even as dehydrated chips. Think kale chips.

    Oh my…the wide variety of greens grown at The Farm’s Soil & Seed Garden this 2019 Fall / Winter Season.

    1. Borage greens
    2. Broccoli greens
    3. Cauliflower greens
    4. Collard greens
    5. Hon tsai tai
    6. Kale
    7. Minutina
    8. Mizuna
    9. Mustard Greens
    10. Rainbow Chard
    11. Red Pac Choy
    12. Roquette Arugula
    13. Shungiku (chrysanthemum)
    14. Spigarello
    15. Tatsoi

    Let’s take a look at Soil & Seed Garden. Always beautiful. And, one of my favorite places to pause and enjoy nature…right in my neighborhood.

    And, the beauty of edible flowers…

    AA-TheFarm-edible-flowers-IMG_4873 - Copy-Reducesizetest

    Broccoli Kale Orange Green Drink Recipe

    This week I decided to try something different with the greens. A Green Drink, featuring the kale, sprouting broccoli, and fresh mint grown at the Soil & Seed Garden by urban gardener Billy Anthony.


    From the Soil & Seed Garden

    • 1 cup kale leaves
    • 1 cup sprouting broccoli
    • 2 small oranges, peeled
    • 3 sprigs fresh mint

    Other Ingredients

    • 2 cups coconut water
    • 1 banana, cut and frozen



    • Place kale, broccoli, and coconut water into high speed blender and blend for about a minute.
    • Add oranges and mint. Blend for a minute.
    • Add bananas and blend another minute.


    • Enjoy as a refreshing breakfast or snack.


    Garnish with a few sprigs of broccoli, mint, and edible flowers…Enjoy!


    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”



    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm

    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon



    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    NaturalAwakeAZ-Jan19-Cover-IMG_7717 (1)
    Natural Awakenings Arizona, January 2019

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page




  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Fragrant Winter Greens Gremolata Recipe

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Fragrant Winter Greens Gremolata Recipe

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    Each week I have the incredible opportunity to enjoy the beautiful food grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, and to create delicious dishes with Soil & Seed Garden CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

    Twelve years ago when I was studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, I can honestly say that I did not cook, or even eat greens, like kale, arugula, or collards. Today, I eat them a few times a week and prepare them different ways. Sometimes raw and sometimes cooked. Hope you enjoy this new greens creation, inspired by the Shungiku (chrysanthemum greens) and fresh cilantro.

    Let’s take a look at the beauty of The Farm at South Mountain this Winter week in Phoenix, Arizona.

    Poppies at The Farm at South Mountain…breathe in the beauty.

    Now, let’s take a look at The Farm’s Winter CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

    Winter CSA Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona. So many amazing greens.

    Fragrant Winter Greens Gremolata Recipe

    In awe of the beauty and aromatherapy of the greens and cilantro grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony at the Soil & Seed Garden. With a fresh ruby grapefruit dressing, unique gremolata is a perfect accent to roasted veggies.

    Greens all set for the Fragrant Gremolata: Chrysanthemum, Minutina, Spigarella, Arugula, Cilantro.


    From the Soil & Seed Garden

    • 3-4 stems Shungiku (chrysanthemum greens)
    • 3-4 stems Minutina
    • 3-4 stems Spigarello Greens
    • 3-4 stems Roquette Arugula
    • Small bunch fresh cilantro
    • ½ Ruby Grapefruit, juiced (about 1/8 cup) and zested

    Other Ingredients

    • ½ Lemon, juiced (about 1/8 cup) and zested
    • ½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil
    • ¼ cup pecans
    • 2-3 garlic cloves
    • Pinch sea salt


    • Rough chop all of the greens into bite-sized pieces.

    Ruby Grapefruit Dressing

    • Zest ruby grapefruit & lemon.
    • Squeeze grapefruit and lemon juice into 8 oz Mason jar. Approximately ¼ cup of juice.
    • Add twice as much olive oil as the citrus juice. Approximately ½ cup.
    • Shake jar.
    • Taste and adjust. Add more olive oil, grapefruit or lemon juice for your taste preference.
    • Add pinch of sea salt. Shake.


    • Place all ingredients into a medium bowl.
    • Add dressing.
    • Gently toss.
    Gremolata Mise en Place.

    Gremolata ready to toss.
    • Serve with roasted local veggies, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes.

    Local Arizona roasted veggies to enjoy with the Fragrant Gremolata.

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    Arizona Winter Fragrant Greens Gremolata. Roasted Veggies.

    Enjoy Roasted Veggies and Gremolata.



    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”



    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm



    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm

    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2) Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon



    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Specialty Greens & Di Cicco Broccoli Saute. Top 5 Tips to Saute Greens

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking with The Farm at South Mountain: Specialty Greens & Di Cicco Broccoli Saute. Top 5 Tips to Saute Greens

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    For the last 13 weeks I’ve had the honor and opportunity to create recipes with the beautiful food grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain, located about a half mile from my home in Phoenix, Arizona. I’ve been visiting The Farm since 2005 and always love the beauty of the seasonal produce, flowers, and herbs growing.

    This Winter I’m loving the variety of greens growing at The Farm; some mild, some grassy, and some spicy. It’s fun to mix and match with the greens to create a simple side dish.

    Let’s take a look at the beauty of The Farm this Winter.

    The Farm at South Mountain. Soil & Seed Garden. January 2019 Morning.
    The Farm at South Mountain. Soil & Seed Garden. Beautiful edible flowers.

    Now, let’s take a look at The Farm’s Winter CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)

    The Farm at South Mountain Winter CSA

    Specialty Greens Di Cicco Broccoli Orange Sauté RECIPE

    In awe of the beauty of the greens and di cicco broccoli grown by urban farmer Billy Anthony at the Soil & Seed Garden.  With fresh sage and navel orange, this dish is simple, warming, sweet, savory, and delicious.

    Mise en Place…


    • 1 bunch di cicco broccoli
    • 3-4 stems Hon Tsai Tai
    • 3-4 stems Purple Orach
    • 5-7 fresh sage leaves
    • 1 navel orange, juiced and zested
    • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • Pinch sea salt
    Mise en Place: Greens & Di Cicco Broccoli Navel Saute


    • Pre-heat sauté pan on medium.
    • Add oil to coat bottom of the pan.
    • Add sage leaves to the pan and cook for about 1 minute.
    Fresh Sage in the Saute Pan
    • Add broccoli leaves, florets, and stalk to pan and sauté for a minute.
    • Add Hon Tsai Tai to pan and sauté for a minute.
    Add greens one by one, and gently saute for about a minute.
    • Add Purple Orach to pan and sauté for another minute.
    • Squeeze orange juice and a pinch of sea salt onto the greens.
    • Sauté all greens for another minute.
    • Plate with orange zest and raw greens.
    • Enjoy!
    Greens & Di Cicco Broccoli Orange Saute


    GET TO KNOW: Di Cicco Broccoli, Hon Tsai Tai, and Purple Orach

    Di Cicco Broccoli. Beautiful Italian heirloom small (3-4”) bluish-green broccoli. Great raw or lightly sauted.

    Di Cicco Broccoli, Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain

    Hon Tsai Tai. Chinese specialty with purple stems and budded yellow flowers. Mild mustard taste which works well raw in salads or gently cooked in sautés or soups.

    Hon Tsai Tai, Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain

    Purple Orach. Beautiful deep purple mountain spinach, with large, spade-shaped leaves. Adds color and beauty to salads and sautés.

    Purple Orach, Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain


    1. Choose a variety of greens. Different shapes and colors. Some mild, some bitter.
    2. Pre-heat the saute pan prior to adding the oil.
    3. Add a pinch of salt when sauteing to bring out the flavor in the greens.
    4. Add citrus – orange, lemon, or grapefruit – to add contrasting acid to the dish.
    5. Only cook greens for a few minutes. Enjoy them with a little crunch.

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    COOKING CLASSES AT THE FARM AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN IN PHOENIX, ARIZONABB-01-A-13-VisitPhoenix-ExperienceNutrition-TeamBuliding-MelanieDessert-IMG_2119

    Purchase Tickets for the Get Clear for the New Year Vision Board & Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 1-3pm




    Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm




    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: More than Kale Chips. 5 New Leafy Green Chips!

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: More than Kale Chips. 5 New Leafy Green Chips!

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    More than kale chips. We can dehydrate all kinds of leafy greens to make chips.

    This week I experimented with 5 different beautiful greens from this week’s CSA at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, grown by urban farm Billy Anthony at the Soil & Seed Garden.

    When leafy greens are in season, I invite you to experiment with dehyrating them and notice which you prefer. I absolutely love shungiku (chrysanthemum) and loved this floral green dehydrated.

    Simple Recipe: Leafy Green Chips: More Than Kale Chips


    Leafy Greens

    • ½ bunch mizuna
    • ½ bunch shungiku (chrysanthemum)
    • ½ bunch roquette arugula
    • ½ bunch spigarello
    • ½ bunch cauliflower greens
    Leafy Greens: Mizuna, Shungiku, Arugula, Spigarello, Cauliflower

    Cashew Cream

    • 1 cup raw cashews, pre-soaked in water for 2-4 hours
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tsp roasted garlic powder
    • ½ tsp dry basil
    • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    • Pinch sea salt
    • 2-4 tbsp water, for desired creaminess
    Cashew Cream: Mise en Place


    Cashew Cream

    • Blend all ingredients in blender or processor.
    • Add water, as needed for desired creaminess.

    Dehydrated Leafy Greens

    • Tear out any large stems in the leafy greens.
    • One variety of greens at a time, place leaves into a large bowl.
    • Add a few tablespoons of cashew cream to the greens.
    Place greens and cashew cream into a small bowl.
    • Gently massage cashew cream into the leafy greens.
    Lightly massage the cashew cream into the greens.
    • Spread greens onto dehydrator screen.
    Mindfully spread greens onto dehydrator screens.
    • Dehydrate at 125 degrees F for about 3 hours.
    Dehydrate greens at 125 degrees F for about 3 hours.
    • Test for desired crunchiness.
    • Dehydrate longer to suit your taste.
    • Enjoy as a snack.
    More than Kale Chips. Enjoy all kinds of leafy green chips.

    The Five Winter Greens

    • Shungiku, often known as edible chrysanthemum, is one of my favorite flavorful greens. These greens, popular in Japan, are aromatic and floral tasting. Shungiku are generally eaten raw or gently cooked to enjoy their crunchy texture and flavor.
    Shungiku: The Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona.

    • Mizuna, another Japanese green is a member of the mustard family, a little peppery, yet milder than arugula. These are growing in the Learning Garden at The Farm.
    Mizuna: The Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona.

    • Roquette Arugula, one of my favorite greens, a little spicy, nutty, and sweet, adds exciting flavor to all dishes. Arugula is enjoyed both as salad greens, as an herb, and now as a dehydrated chip.

    • Spigarello, technically in the broccoli family, looks like a spiral kale. Enjoy spigarello gently sauted or massaged with a simple acid-fat-salt dressing in a salad.

    • Cauliflower greens. Yes, there are the edible greens that grow on cauliflower. Enjoy!

    Cauliflower Greens: The Soil & Seed Garden, The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona.


     Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”




    Click to Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Click to Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm




    Click to Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Click to Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Click to Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: Arizona Winter  Three Greens & Citrus Salad Recipe

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: Arizona Winter Three Greens & Citrus Salad Recipe

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    This week’s intuitive culinary creation was inspired by the fresh, vibrant Winter Greens & Citrus from The Farm at South Mountain Soil & Seed Garden CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), grown passionately by urban farmer, Billy Anthony.

    So often we sauté greens with a little olive oil, garlic, and sea salt for a nice side dish. Since The Soil & Seed Garden greens were so fresh and vibrant I decided to experiment with eating several different greens in a simple raw salad. And, I’m so glad I did. This salad is one of my very favorites. The textures and combination of citrus and mint are outstanding. Hope you try it.

    The salad features Shungiku, Minutina, and Mizuna greens, Arizona navel orange, ruby grapefruit, and an Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil, imported to Arizona by Chef Chris Bianco.

    The Three Winter Greens

    • Shungiku, often known as edible chrysanthemum, is one of my favorite flavorful greens. These greens, popular in Japan, are aromatic and floral tasting. Shungiku are generally eaten raw or gently cooked to enjoy their crunchy texture and flavor.
    • Mizuna, another Japanese green is a member of the mustard family, a little peppery, yet milder than arugula. These are growing in the Learning Garden at The Farm.
    • Minutina are long, slender, spiked leaves with forking antler-like horns. When harvested young, the crunchy leaves of minutina taste a little like a mix of parsley and spinach.

    The Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    In addition to the greens, I’ve been experimenting with an organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil that local Phoenix Chef Chris Bianco has recently imported from Italy. The oil, from the Pugila region, is a single variety pressed from Peranzana olives. Chef Bianco has mentioned that some of the olive trees are 400 years or more years old.

    Arizona Winter Greens & Citrus Salad

    This salad is perfect for the fresh Soil & Seed Garden vibrant mild tasting greens and citrus.


    • 1 large handful shungiku (chrysanthemum)
    • 1 large handful minutina
    • 1 large handful mizuna
    • 1 navel orange, sliced, juiced, and zested
    • 1 ruby grapefruit, sliced, juiced and zested
    • 1/4 cup snap peas, sliced on diagonal
    • 3-4 sprigs fresh mint
    • 2 tbsp kalamata olives
    • 1 tbsp capers
    • 1/4 cup pecans
    • ¼ cup organic extra virgin olive oil





    • Squeeze ½ of juiced orange and ½ of juiced grapefruit into mason jar. Approximately ¼ cup juice total.


    • Pour in twice as much organic extra virgin olive oil as juice.


    • Shake the jar.
    • Notice if the dressing needs more acid (grapefruit / orange) or fat (olive oil) to suit your taste.
    • Add pinch of sea salt.
    • Add few mint leaves.


    • Shake jar.



    • Place greens, snap peas, olives, capers, pecans, and mint leaves in a large bowl.


    • Gently pour the dressing onto the greens.
    • Hand toss to coat the greens with the dressing.


    • Plate the salad with slices of orange and grapefruit.

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    Let’s take a look at the final salad..


     Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”



    Click to Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Click to Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm




    Click to Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Click to Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Click to Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: How to Add Beauty to Olive Tapenade

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Recipe: How to Add Beauty to Olive Tapenade

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    This week’s intuitive culinary creation was inspired by beautiful Winter Veggies from The Farm at South Mountain Soil & Seed Garden CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). The Farm, a local urban farm in Phoenix, Arizona, is a few minutes walk from my home and I enjoy the simple beauty of The Farm, along with the beautiful produce grown on the property.

    As much as I love roasted root veggies, we can enjoy raw roots (like radishes, beets, and kohlrabi) and a quick arugula salad to elevate simple olive tapenade appetizer.

    Let’s take a look at the Winter beauty of The Soil & Seed Garden, passionately farmed by urban farmer Billy Anthony.

    The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Winter 2019

    The Greens, Purples and Citrus in this week’s Winter CSA from the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain.

    The Farm at South Mountain Soil & Seed Garden Winter CSA: Greens, Purples, and Citrus.

    And, the beauty of the purple kohlrabi growing at the Soil & Seed Garden.

    The Farm at South Mountain Purple Kohlrabi.

    Olives and Tomato Tapenade Recipe

    Sun-dried or dehydrated tomato and olive spread is a tasty topping for farmers’ market fresh raw veggies.


    • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 ½ cups Kalamata olives, pitted
    • ½ cup sun-dried or dehydrated tomatoes, soaked in water (Used previously dehydrated Campari tomatoes from McClendon Select Farm in Arizona)
    • 2-3 green onions, sliced (I’itoi’s onions)
    • 2 tbsp capers
    • 2 tbsp fresh parsley (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 2-3 tbsp olive oil, as needed (Chris Bianco, Pane Bianco Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
    Mise en Place: Olive Tomato Tapenade



    • Gather your mise en place.
    • Roughly chop the sun-dried or dehydrated tomatoes; drain oil, if needed.
    • Mince garlic.
    • Add garlic and olives to food processor and pulse until fine, not paste-like.
    • Remove olive and garlic mixture from the food processor.
    • Place sun-dried or dehydrated tomatoes in food processor and process until fine.
    • Add capers and parsley and pulse a few times.
    • Mix olive/garlic mixture with sun-dried tomatoes/capers/parsley mixture with a fork.


    • Add olive oil until you reach desired consistency.
    • Fold in green onions.
    • Enjoy the tapenade on veggies or raw crackers.
    Olive Tomato Tapenade

    Quick Marinated Root Veggies Recipe

    With fresh veggies, a little olive oil, salt, and fresh herbs, create a beautiful olive tapenade appetizer.


    • 3-5 red or purple radishes
    • 1 purple kohlrabi
    • 1 purple daikon radish
    • 2 cups arugula
    • 1-2 tbsp olive oil (Chris Bianco / Pane Bianco Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
    • 1-2 green onions (I’Itoi Onions)…sharp peppery flavor
    • 1 spring fresh dill (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • Pinch sea salt
    Soil & Seed Garden: Radishes, Purple Daikon, Purple Kohlrabi, I’itoi Onions, Wild Arugula.


    • Thinly slice radishes and kohlrabi with a mandoline.
    Thinly slice radishes with a mandoline.
    The beauty of Red Radishes, Purple Daikon & Purple Kohlrabi.
    • Spread the veggies flat on unbleached parchment paper.
    One view of mindfulness in the kitchen.


    • Gently spread a drop of olive oil on each veggie.
    • Sprinkle a few grains of sea salt onto each veggie.
    • Sprinkle onions and dill onto the veggies.
    • Let the veggies marinade for about 15 minutes.
    In awe of the marinating veggies.


    • Plate tapenade with the veggies.
    • Enjoy with arugula tossed in a simple salad dressing (lemon, olive oil, sea salt)

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    A look at the final Tapenade &  Marinated Veggies

    Olive Tomato Tapenade. We eat with our eyes first.

    Enjoy the Olive Tapenade, Marinated Veggies, Wild Arugula.

    The Soil & Seed Garden Arugula. Tapenade. Marinated Veggies.

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    COOKING CLASSES AT THE FARM AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN IN PHOENIX, ARIZONABB-01-A-13-VisitPhoenix-ExperienceNutrition-TeamBuliding-MelanieDessert-IMG_2119

    Purchase Tickets for the Get Clear for the New Year Vision Board & Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 1-3pm




    Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm




    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking: Top 5 Tips to Perfectly Roast Veggies Every Time

    Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Cooking: Top 5 Tips to Perfectly Roast Veggies Every Time

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    With a plant-based way of eating we do eat a lot of vegetables. With this in mind, it’s important to know several different simple culinary skills to prepare vegetables, such as roasting, steaming, sautéing, and raw.

    In the cooler Fall and Winter seasons one of my favorite ways to cook veggies is roasting. With roasting we cook the veggies in the oven to brown the outside of the veggies, while keeping the center of the veggies a little soft. We can roast all kinds of veggies which gives us a nice variety of tastes, textures, and colors.

    Today’s roasted veggies were created by intuitively choosing veggies that I was visually attracted to and feature local Arizona farmers organic veggies purchased at one of our Phoenix area farmers’ markets, Uptown Market.

    At the market I was very excited to buy the first Jerusalem Artichokes (also known as Sunchokes) of the season as they are one of my favorite roots. Sunchokes, a relative of sunflowers, have a sweet rich earthy taste.


    Let’s take a look at the local Arizona Farmers’ Winter Veggies from the Uptown Farmers Market.

    Winter Arizona Veggies Uptown Phoenix Farmers Market

    Farm-to-Table Winter Roasted Veggies Recipe


    Mise en Place: Roasted Arizona Winter Veggies
    • 2-3 Ruby Radishes (Bene Vivendo)
    • 1 Golden Beet (Blue Sky Organic Farms, Litchfield)
    • 3 Orange and Yellow Carrots (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 1 Leek (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 2 Green Onions (Blue Sky Organic Farms)
    • 1 Sweet Potato (Crooked Sky Farm, previously purchased at the Downtown Phoenix Market)
    • 3 Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes) (McClendon Select)
    • 3 Garlic Cloves (McClendon Select)
    • 2-3 TBSP organic extra virgin olive oil (Pane Bianco, Chef Chris Bianco, Phoenix)
    • Pinch sea salt


    • Pre-heat oven to 400-425 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Chop all veggies into equal-sized pieces.
    Winter Arizona Veggies all Chopped for Roasting
    • Coat veggies with olive oil and seasonings.
    • Place flat side down on parchment-paper lined flat sheet pan.
    Veggies carefully place on parchment-paper lined sheet pan.
    More veggies mindfully placed on pan, including the sunchokes.

    • Cook for 15 minutes.
    • Flip.
    • Cook another 15 minutes.

    • Enjoy as a side dish with a whole grain or as toppings for flatbread.
    Winter Veggie Sprouted Spelt Flatbread
    Enjoy Winter Roasted Veggies on Flatbread


    1. Coat the chopped veggies thoroughly with oil.
    2. When placing on unbleached parchment paper, be sure the veggies do not touch each other.
    3. When placing veggies on parchment paper, place flat side down, so that side of the veggie can brown.
    4. Flip veggies about half-way through the cooking process.
    5. Pay attention to veggies while they are cooking, as they cook at different speeds. More dense veggies (like carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes) take longer to cook than water-rich veggies, like onions and zucchini.

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”

    COOKING CLASSES AT THE FARM AT SOUTH MOUNTAIN IN PHOENIX, ARIZONABB-01-A-13-VisitPhoenix-ExperienceNutrition-TeamBuliding-MelanieDessert-IMG_2119

    Purchase Tickets for the Get Clear for the New Year Vision Board & Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 1-3pm




    Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm




    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm


    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page


  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Daily Healthy Recipes by Melanie Albert: Arizona Winter Brown Rice Pilaf

    by Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This month has been very full with incredible cooking events with Visit Phoenix, Valley of the Sun United Way, and Gregory’s Fresh Market, so today I decided to enjoy  a “day of rest.” With a quiet day, I wanted to cook something that would be really quick and easy to prepare and oddly, I was inspired by simple organic brown rice.

    Arizona Winter Rice Pilaf

    With our Winter Arizona growing season, a few favorites in my refrigerator from Wednesday’s Uptown Farmers’ Market: green garlic, red peppers, beautiful carrots from Steadfast Farm, and fresh arugula from McClendon Select. Plus, I almost always have previously made frozen veggie stock and was happy to still have Hatun Basil Olive oil in my pantry. With these ingredients I created a very simple rice pilaf. You can use this recipe as a guide to cook your own version of pilaf with your favorite veggies and scroll down for the simple steps from my cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating.”


    • 1 cup brown rice
    • 2 cups veggie stock
    • 2 tbsp basil olive oil
    • 1 green garlic
    • 1 red pepper
    • Handful orange carrots
    • Handful arugula
    • Few pecans




    • Heat saute pan on low.
    • Add olive oil to pan.
    • Gently sweat green garlic for about a minute.
    • Add red pepper and saute for a few minutes.
    • Add carrots and saute for a few minutes.
    • Pour dry brown rice into the pan. Stir to coat with olive oil.
    • Add veggie stock. Stir.


    • Cover and cook for about 20 minutes. (Quick video peek.)



    • Toss arugula on top of the cooked pilaf. Cover pan. Cook for about a minute.


    • Pause and enjoy the beauty of the dish.


    • Plate with pecans.


    • Mindfully enjoy your meal.


    EXCERPT from “A New View of Healthy Eating”

    How to Make Rice Pilaf for a Dinner Side Dish

    Pilaf is one of the main methods of cooking rice and is popular in Indian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern cuisines. The pilaf method is similar to steaming; however, in the pilaf method, whole grains are first sautéed, often with aromatics (like onions or shallots) before liquid is added, creating a lot of flavor. Pilafs also include extras such as vegetables and toasted nuts or seeds.

    Simple Steps to Cook Using the Pilaf Method

    1. In a sauté pan over low heat, cook mirepoix (carrots, onions, and celery or just onions) in a fat, such as olive oil. Cook on low heat when you do not want to add color to your dish. For more color, cook at a higher temperature.
    2. Add grains to the pan and stir to lightly coat each grain with the fat. Do not rinse grains before cooking.
    3. Toast grains by cooking a little more.
    4. Add a flavorful liquid, such as vegetable stock.
    5. Stir to make sure grain is not sticking to the bottom of the pan.
    6. Similar to the whole grains steaming method, bring to boil, cover tightly, and reduce heat to the lowest setting (or cook in oven).
    7. Cook a little longer than the time indicated for your grain and until all liquid is absorbed into the grains.
    8. Rest grain for 10-20 minutes.
    9. Fluff.
    10. Rest for 10 minutes.
    11. Serve.


    Enhance Your Pilaf

    To enhance the flavor and texture in your pilaf, add spices, herbs, fresh vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

    • After the grains are coated in fat, add dried spices for extra flavor. Try Middle Eastern spices like star anise, cinnamon, and cumin. For a Mexican pilaf, add chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, and coriander seeds.
    • After the cooked grains have rested, add your favorite cooked veggies, fresh herbs, or toasted nuts and seeds to create a meal.

    Hope you enjoy cooking a simple brown rice pilaf and share your photos with us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewViewHealthyEating

    Interested in Melanie’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating“? Buy it now!

  • 9 Ways 90 Days Recipe: Raw Veggie Pasta with Cashew Basil Pesto

    By Melanie Albert, Nutrition & Food Expert, Author and Speaker, Certified Health Coach

    WOW! If you’ve been afraid of the “raw way of eating”, try this simple, beautiful, colorful, fun-to-prepare side dish. Enjoy fresh, local organic veggies with a creamy nutty pesto.

    9 Ways 90 Days Veggie Pasta with Cashew Basil Pesto

    Ingredients: Veggies
    • 2-3 golden beets
    • 2-3 carrots
    • 2-3 zucchini
    • 1 sweet potato

    Ingredients: Cashew Basil Pesto
    • ½ cup fresh basil leaves
    • 4 oz raw cashews, soaked
    • 1/8 cup fresh lemon juice
    • 1 tbsp garlic, minced
    • 1/4 tsp sea salt
    • ½ cup organic extra virgin olive oil

    Simple Steps
    • Cut the veggies with a spiral slicer or mandolin.
    • Place all ingredients for the cashew basil pesto, except olive oil in the food processor.
    • Puree.
    • Add the olive oil until smooth.
    • Toss the veggies with about ½ cup of the pesto and serve.
    • Enjoy the taste, the textures and the colors!

    Come on over to our Facebook page, and post your raw veggie pasta creations: www.facebook.com/9Ways90Days

  • 9 Ways 90 Days Recipe: Organic Lentil Soup with Greens

    by Melanie Albert, Nutrition Expert & Author, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

    Excerpt from book, “Enjoy Food & Life. 9 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step action plan for healthy eating and living”

    This process of cooking soup gives us the foundation for making any type of bean soup. To make quick, delicious soups you will use a mix-and-match of beans, veggies and greens.

           Beans: protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals

           Any roots: Carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnip, and/or turnips

           Whole grains: Brown rice, Quinoa

           Greens: Kale, collards



    • 1 cup lentils
    • 3-4 carrots and/or sweet potatoes
    • 2-3 cloves garlic
    • 1 onion or 5-6 green onions
    • 3-4 celery stalks
    • 2 TBS organic extra virgin olive oil
    • 5” strip of kombu seaweed (Seaweed is high in minerals and improves digestibility of beans)
    • 1 cup brown rice
    • 4-5 cups water
    • 1/2 tsp cumin
    • 1 tsp black pepper
    • 1/2 bunch kale

     Simple Steps

    • Saute carrots, garlic, onions and celery with extra virgin olive oil
    • Add about 6 cups water to pot
    • Wash lentils and add to pot
    • Add brown rice
    • Add kombu to pot (to tenderize the beans)
    • Add cumin and black pepper
    • Bring to a boil
    • Skim off foam
    • Cook at moderate-low heat for about 30 minutes
    • Sprinkle chopped kale to top of soup and cook 5 more minutes

     Your Action

    Cook and enjoy a basic home-made lentil soup. Visit us on Facebook and share a photo and what you used in your soup:



    Whole grains_____________
