Tag: hydration

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Make your own Turmeric Tea

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    First, I would like to send warm wishes to everyone and their families who were touched by the recent Hurricane Matthew. I have been away from blogging for the last week or so, as my 87- and 90-year old Mom and Dad evacuated from their Cocoa Beach, Florida home of 28 years. Fortunately, they and their home are doing fine now, with a month or more of clean-up of trees, boat dock, and boats.

    Today, the blog is about making your own turmeric tea. Turmeric is becoming more and more popular as a beverage in the US. With these simple steps, you can make your own turmeric tea (or drink) and enjoy it hot or cold. This is how my turmeric tea looked this week, with fresh turmeric from a grower at the Ahwatukee Farmers Market, right on the south side of South Mountain, here in Phoenix.

    Step 1: Slice a few pieces of fresh turmeric root.

    Step 2: Place turmeric root into pot with water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

    Step 3: Enjoy your turmeric root tea, hot or cold.


    Excerpt from A New View of Healthy Eating: Experience Root Tea

    Ginger and turmeric herbs are tropical plants whose roots are used medicinally and as beverages. Ginger and turmeric tea have been popular in Asia for centuries. Ginger tea is very common in China. Turmeric tea is an everyday drink in Okinawa, Japan, home to the world’s highest known concentration of centenarians.

    Ginger Root

    • Natural anti-inflammatory
    • Reduces nausea and helps digestion
    • Beneficial for colds and the flu

    Turmeric Root

    • Used medicinally in India and China for centuries
    • Contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory known to alleviate arthritis and reduce muscle pain and joint inflammation
    • Thermogenic properties that increase metabolism and fat burning, which aid in the increasing of energy and weight loss

    6 Steps to Make Root Tea

    1. Slice ginger or turmeric root into thin slices without skin.
    2. Place into a small pot of water.
    3. Add black pepper to turmeric to enhance its healing properties.
    4. Bring water to boil.
    5. Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
    6. If desired, add honey for sweetness.

    A New View of Healthy Eating is now available and a great gift idea for the holidays. Yes, a few people have already purchased the book for gifts. Thanks so much!

    My nephew, Jack from North Carolina, asked me to “autograph” my book for him. So sweet. a-mel-jack-img_2257

     Join our e-newsletter to get recipes, culinary tips, and stay up-to-date on events.


  • 9 Ways 90 Days: Determine How Much Water You Need to Drink

    by Melanie Albert, Nutrition & Wellness Expert, Author, Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

    Excerpt from book, “Enjoy Food & Life. 90 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step action plan for healthy eating & life.”

    It depends on you. The amount of water you need to drink depends on your size, age, level of physical activity, and where you live. Do you work out a lot? Do you live in a warm, dry climate? Are you older? You should drink more water if you live in a hot dry climate like Arizona or if you work out often. If you are over 65 with medical conditions, it is important to consult your healthcare provider on proper fluid intake, as too much water may be as dangerous as too little.

    9 Ways 90 Days: How Much Water do You Need to Drink?
    9 Ways 90 Days: How Much Water do You Need to Drink?


    • Find out how much water you should be drinking. Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2 to get the number of ounces you should drink daily.
    • Add in extra ounces, if you work out often or live in a hot, dry climate.
    • Come over to Facebook and commit today to drinking the right amount of water for you.

  • Why We Must Hydrate

    Hydrate All Day. Every Day.

    by Melanie Albert, Nutrition Expert & Author, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

    Why We Need Water

     Our Systems Need Water

    Hydrate All Day. Every Day.
    Hydrate All Day. Every Day.
    • Every system in your body needs water to function properly
    • Your body is made up of 75% water and your brain is 85% water
    • Water carries nutrients to cells
    • Essential for good digestion
    • Lubricates joints and is an important part of all movement
    • Necessary to excrete waste and toxins from the body
    • Helps regulate body temperature

    Stay Hydrated

    Heart: Dehydration lowers blood volume, requiring your heart to work harder to provide enough oxygen to your cells

    Brain: Staying hydrated keeps memory sharp and mood stable – even slight dehydration reduces our ability to recall new information

    Exercise: Being hydrated makes exercise and even walking more difficult, and reduces the amount of aerobic exercise you can do

    Visit us on Facebook and SHARE Why YOU Hydrate.

  • 9 Ways to Enjoy Food & Life

    9 Ways to Enjoy Food & Life

    The 9 Ways to Enjoy Food & Life
    1. Hydration
    2. Organic Roots & Greens
    3. Snacks, Superfoods & Smoothies
    4. Right Fats
    5. Plant Protein
    6. Whole Grains
    7. Be Active
    8. Self Care & Relationships
    9. Live your Passion

  • Enjoy Food & Life: 9 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step Action Plan for Healthy Eating & Living

    9 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step Action Plan for Healthy Eating & Living, by nutrition and food expert, Melanie Albert, featuring former NFL players.

    NEW BOOK: January 2014

    9 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step action plan for healthy eating & living
    9 Ways 90 Days Step-by-step action plan for healthy eating & living

    9 Ways 90 Days Action Plan is based on the successful program which positively affects the health and nutrition of former NFL players and their families. The book offers nutrition education with a simple step-by-step action plan to integrate good nutrition with a healthy lifestyle into life. The program is designed to help you achieve good nutrition and health to reach your personal goals, including reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, weight loss, reducing joint pain, increasing energy and reducing stress. 

    Our country is sick and people are confused. They are confused about what to eat, how to shop and how to prepare healthy food. The 9 Ways 90 Days Action Plan, created from sound science and a variety of nutrition theories with hands-on interactive learning and cooking experiences, is a solution to these problems. It also includes simple ways to prepare easy meals with recipes, nutritionrecommendations, and the 9 Ways 90 Days Action Plan to incorporate learning into life.