Tag: chocolate pie

  • Experience Nutrition: Chocolate Goji Berry Cream Pie: Delicious Plant-Based Desserts by Melanie Albert, Part 2 of 4

    Experience Nutrition: Chocolate Goji Berry Cream Pie: Delicious Plant-Based Desserts by Melanie Albert, Part 2 of 4

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author

    Continuing to share with you delicious, beautiful, and “healthy” plant-based desserts: Berry Cashew Cream Pie, Chocolate Goji Berry Cream Pie, Aromatic Apple Berry, and Raw Carrot Cake. The desserts feature berries, chocolate, goji berries, and amazing aromatic culinary experiences with hand-grinding spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom.

    We created these desserts at our hands-on Holiday cooking class at The Farm at South Mountain and I have to say they were all so created with so much mindfulness and heart. Plus, they were delicious.

    Today’s dessert, featured on the cover the the January 2019 issue of Natural Awakenings  Arizona, is the Chocolate Goji Berry Cream Pie. Links to the other plant-based dessert recipes:

    Chocolate Goji Berry Cream Pie

    Try this simple chocolate dessert recipe for your family and friends. This gourmet-quality pie is so much fun to make and is beautiful and delicious. Learn to quickly and easily melt chocolate chips right in your oven. Enjoy the pie with superfood goji berries. If you have extra chocolate pie, cut it into small pieces and freeze for snacks.

    Chocolate Goji Berry Pie

    Pecan Crust

    Simple Ingredients

    • 2 cups raw pecans
    • ¼ cup maple sugar
    • 1½ tbsp coconut oil
    • ½ tsp sea salt

    Simple Steps

    • Pulse pecans and maple sugar in food processor.
    • Add coconut oil and sea salt.
    • Pulse to combine well.
    • Press and shape mixture into the bottom of a 10-inch springform pan.

    Thanks to my friend Nathalia, from Brazil  for capturing the focus of making the crust for the chocolate pie.


    Simple Ingredients

    • 2½ cups vegan dark chocolate chips
    • 2 packages organic soft silken tofu (260g packages)
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean, scraped
    • Pinch of sea salt

    Simple Steps

    Melt Chocolate Chips

    • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
    • Pour the chocolate chips in a single layer onto a flat baking sheet.
    • Place in the oven to melt for no more than 3-4 minutes or until melted. Be careful that you don’t burn them.
    Melt Chocolate Chips in the oven.

    Blend the Filling

    • Place tofu, vanilla, sea salt, and melted chocolate chips into a food processor.
    • Blend until smooth.
    • Pour mixture into pie crust and chill for at least 30 minutes.
    • Top with nuts, and fresh fruit or goji berries.

    Chocolate Pie Plating Mise en Place

    Chocolate Goji Berry Pie Plating Mise en Place
    Simplicity of the Chocolate Goji Berry Pie

    In awe of the beautiful chocolate pie created at the Dessert Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain.

    The beauty of the Chocolate Goji Berry Pie prepared during the Dessert Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain.

    While making this pie for the Arizona edition of the January 2019 issue of Natural Awakenings magazine, I had the fun opportunity to create a “birthday pop-up celebration” for urban farmer, Billy Anthony, of the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain.

    My honor to celebrate Billy Anthony’s Birthday with the Pie Pop-up.
    Thanks so much to Billy and Bailey for the Soil & Seed CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

    What fun celebrating Billy’s Birthday…thanks so much for “playing”!

    Billy Anthony’s Chocolate Goji Berry Pie is ready to enjoy.

    The beauty of food…Chocolate Cream Pie with Persimmons & Berries

    Enjoying the Chocolate Goji Pie creations.

    Yummm…And, the perfect setting, at The Farm at South Mountain to enjoy…

    Thanks Billy Anthony for growing the beautiful produce at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm. And, Happy Birthday.

    Happy Birthday to you, Billy Anthony…wishing you another wonderful year. Thanks so much for so passionately growing all of the incredible beautiful, tasty food at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix.

    Thanks to Natural Awakenings AZ magazine for featuring my Plant-Based Chocolate Pie on the cover and Plant-Based Dessert recipes in the January 2019 issue.

    NaturalAwakeAZ-Jan19-Cover-IMG_7717 (1)
    Natural Awakenings Arizona, January 2019
    NaturalAwakeAZ-Jan19-Pages-IMG_7717 (2)
    Natural Awakenings Arizona, January 2019. Start the New Year Off Right

    Join our Simple Daily Plant-Based Eating Tips Facebook Page

    Purchase Melanie Albert’s award-winning cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating:  Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods”


    Phoenix friends…hope you or your kids can join us at one of our hands-on intuitive cooking classes this season… Vision Board & Appetizers,  Foods for Addiction Recovery, Spring Farm-to-Table,  Raw Farm-to-Table, and Kids Food Art.


    Purchase Tickets for the Get Clear for the New Year Vision Board & Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Cooking Class at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, January 12, 2019, 1-3pm




    Purchase Tickets for Whole Foods for Addiction Recovery with New York “Spiritual Adrenaline” Author Tom Shanahan and Phoenix cookbook author Melanie Albert. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, February 17, 2019, 11am-1pm


    Purchase Tickets for Spring Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:30am-1pm



    Purchase Tickets for Raw Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking with Melanie Albert and Soil & Seed Garden Farmer Billy Anthony. The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona, Sunday, April 7, 2019, 10:30am-1pm

    BB-05-Kids-MelanieAlbert-A-DSC_0453 (2)Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 11am-noon

    Purchase Tickets for Farm-to-Table Kids Food Art Cooking at The Farm at South Mountain with Melanie Albert, Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11am-noon

    Happy Cooking!



  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Chocolate Vegan Pie by Meredith, my 11-Year Old Niece

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Chocolate Vegan Pie by Meredith, my 11-Year Old Niece

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    New Year’s Day 2017 started with a beautiful yoga practice and commitment to extreme self care in 2017. Then, my 11 year old niece, Meredith, came to my home to visit and cook, which was definitely more self care for me.

    Meredith decided to create the Vegan Chocolate Cream Pie from my new cookbook, A New View of Healthy Eating. This is a very simple-to-prepare, beautiful delicious creamy pie, and perfect for our New Year dessert.

    Enjoy Meredith’s step-by-step photos in creating her pie. By the way her Aunt and parent’s loved the pie!

    Meredith and her mise en place all ready for the Chocolate Pie

    Meredith made the crust for her pie with raw organic pecans (finely pulsed), maple sugar, a little unrefined organic virgin coconut oil, and a dash of Celtic sea salt.

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    Meredith’s next step: Press the crust into a 10-inch springform pan.

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    The chocolate chips were melted in a 350 degree oven for about 3 minutes. So easy.

    Looks like Meredith had fun blending and tasting the melted chocolate chips, tofu, vanilla, and sea salt. 

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    Nearing the end of creating the pie. Meredith adds the chocolate filling to the pie crust.

    Meredith intuitively decided to add some melted chocolate chips to the top of the pie. Looking amazing! Into the freezer for about 30 minutes.

    And, here’s Meredith’s first Vegan Chocolate Pie. Oh my, oh my!!!

    Excerpt from A New View of Healthy Eating: Chocolate Vegan Pie

    Vegan Chocolate Cream Pie

    Try this simple chocolate dessert recipe that everyone enjoys. This gourmet-quality pie is so much fun to make and is beautiful and delicious every time I teach it in my private and group cooking classes. Learn to quickly and easily melt chocolate chips right in your oven. If you have extra chocolate pie, cut it into small pieces and freeze for snacks.



    • 2 cups raw pecans
    • ¼ cup maple sugar
    • 1 ½ tbsp coconut oil
    • ½ tsp sea salt


    • 2 ½ cups vegan dark chocolate chips
    • 2 packages organic soft silken tofu (260g packages)
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean, scraped
    • Pinch of sea salt


    1. Make the Crust.
    • Pulse pecans and maple sugar in food processor.
    • Add coconut oil and sea salt.
    • Pulse to combine well.
    • Press and shape mixture into the bottom of a 10-inch springform pan.
    1. Melt Chocolate Chips.
    • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
    • Pour the chocolate chips in a single layer onto a flat baking sheet.
    • Place in the oven to melt for no more than 3-4 minutes or until melted. Be careful that you don’t burn them.
    1. Blend the Filling.
    • Place tofu, vanilla, sea salt, and melted chocolate chips into a food processor.
    • Blend until smooth.
    • Pour mixture into pie crust and chill for at least 30 minutes.
    • Top with fresh fruit and nuts.

    For the Vegan Chocolate Cream Pie and more recipes and culinary tips, my new cookbook, A New View of Healthy Eating is available right here. You can purchase and I’ll mail the book to you.

    Happy 2017 to all, with lots of simple intuitive cooking!