Category: Way 9: Live Your Passion

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: New Beginning with Ocean Sunrise

    by Melanie Albert, Nutrition, food & cooking author, speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This morning, the day after Christmas 2015, after witnessing the first full moon since 1977 early Christmas morning, I decided to walk to the beach, Cocoa Beach, to enjoy the magnificence of the sunrise.

    In one word: Breath-taking!


    The sunrise in our East on the ocean is the message of new beginnings, new ideas and new energy.

    Reflect & Dream Big. Inspired by the ocean sunrise, I invite you to take some quiet time these last few days of the year, to both reflect on your accomplishments, and intuitively vision your new beginnings. For reflection and vision, take quiet time, perhaps with nature, walking on the beach, sitting near a stream, hiking in the desert, or sitting in your favorite quiet spot in your home.


    As you reflect on your past, I invite you to focus on your accomplishments and celebrate with yourself, your family or friends.

    • What is your #1 personal accomplishment for 2015? Journal all the details in your accomplishment and savor them while you are writing. How did you feel? Who were you with? Where were you?
    • What is your #1 business or career accomplishment in 2015? Journal on the all details of your accomplishment and your strengths that helped you achieve your accomplishment.
    • What is your #1 accomplishment that really surprised you? For this one, journal about something that may have been outside your comfort zone, or something that you experienced that had an awesome unexpected positive result.
    • Share your accomplishments with your family and friends.

    New Beginnings
    Now, as we look into the East, with new beginnings, new ideas and new excitement, I invite you to be intuitive and feel your deep passion as you wildly dream.

    • In your wildest dreams, listening to your heart, your intuition, what is your #1 personal accomplishment for 2016? Describe in your journaling, all the details about it. What exactly is it, how do you feel? Who are your with? Where are you?
    • In your wildest dreams, again listening to your heart, your intuition, what is your #1 business or career accomplishment for 2016? Journal on all the details, your strengths, and exactly what this achievement looks and feels like.

    Anchor. For your 2016 accomplishments, I invite you to create an anchor, to ground your vision and as a reminder of your accomplishments throughout the year.

    • What is your one word to anchor your 2016 personal accomplishment?
    • What is your one word to anchor your 2016 business / career accomplishment?A-anchor-IMG_9164

    If you wish, visit us on Facebook and share your New Beginning Wild Dreams


  • Experience Nutrition: A New Yoga Journey, Beginning with the Tree in Sedona

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition Group, LLC. Nutrition and food expert, author and speaker. Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition and Whole Food Cooking Instructor at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

    It’s important for all of us to reflect on where we’ve been and to celebrate our personal and business accomplishments. It’s also important to strategically plan and take action for our future.

    Most importantly, it’s vital for us to take time to live in the moment, to stand tall like a tree and to enjoy life.

    For the last 12 years, my yoga practice, beginning in Santa Fe and Florida, and continuing for a decade in Phoenix, has given me the place and space to be still in my mind and to live in the moment.

    I’m excited to share that I am now taking my yoga to a different place with a new yoga journey this summer. Beginning on June 8, 2015, I’ll become the student in the Yoga Teacher Training, YTT, 200 hour program for 4 full months at the Spirit of Yoga studio of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

    As I begin my Yoga Teacher Training journey, I resonate with the tall tree, with deep roots, reaching high, and swaying with flexibility.

    This was evident a few weeks ago when I participated in a retreat in Sedona, where I guided an intuitive cooking experience with farmers’ market fresh whole foods, and the retreat guests created a beautiful, amazing, tasty meal. After we mindfully enjoyed our meal, we all traveled to the beautiful and powerful Cathedral Rock for a photo shoot and to enjoy nature. Immediately I went into Tree Pose within the trees at alongside Oak Creek at Cathedral Rock.

    “This is my time to be, to get rooted down, to lift up into the sky, and to enjoy and embrace the moment.” – Melanie Albert

    Melanie Albert: Tree Pose in Sedona, Arizona
    Melanie Albert: Tree Pose in Sedona, Arizona  PHOTO CREDIT: Melissa Corter Photography

  • Experience Nutrition: Enjoy the rainbow!

    “To enjoy the rainbow, first enjoy the rain.” – Paulo Coelho

    Enjoying the Rainbow in Sedona
    Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO of EXPERIENCE NUTRITION, Enjoying the Rainbow at Cathedral Rock in Sedona.

    PHOTO CREDIT: Melissa Corter Photography

  • This is Me! I am Creative. Thanks Huffington Post!

    By Melanie Albert, Nutrition & Wellness Expert, Author, Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

    9 Ways 90 Days: Live Your Passion

    18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

    Recently, I had the pleasure to hear Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post, speak at an Institute for Integrative Nutrition Conference and I loved her passion and humor. So glad to see the article on The Huffington Post, “18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently.”  I’ve always believed that one of my key strengths is my creativity and that I think and build ideas in new ways. But, WOW, when I read this article, so many other attributes of my life are in-sync with the umbrella of creativity.


    I’m sharing this because finding your passion and living the life of your dreams is essential for happiness. Within the Food & Life 9 Ways 90 Days program, in Way #9 “Live Your Passion” we offer powerful exercises to help you live the life of your dreams.


    Back to The Huffington Post article, the 18 things highly creative people do differently are:

    1.      Daydream

    2.      Observe anything

    3.      Work hours that work for them

    4.      Take time for solitude

    5.      Turn life’s obstacles around

    6.      Seek new experiences

    7.      “Fail-up”

    8.      Ask the big questions

    9.      People watch

    10.  Take risks

    11.  View life as an opportunity for self expression

    12.  Follow true passion

    13.  Get out of their own heads

    14.  Lose track of time (get into the flow)

    15.  Surround selves with beauty

    16.  Connect the dots

    17.  Constantly shake things up

    18.  Make time for mindfulness

    To read the entire article, click here.


    Your Action

    Think about your key strengths or passions and notice how they affect your life.

    Come on over to Facebook and share!

  • Happy New Year 2014: Create Your Happiness Basket

     What a wonderful day to start fresh. 

     “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. “ – Oprah Winfrey

    2014 Happiness Basket
    2014 Happiness Basket

    To start the New Year, I just created a “Happiness Basket”, and invite you to create one for you and your children. Based on the concept of a Daily Gratitude Journal, take a moment every day in 2014 to write your happy thoughts or experiences.

    Your Happiness, Your Successes, Your Celebrations, Your Joys.

    Reflect on all areas of your life.

    • Health
    • Relationships
    • Career
    • Exercise
    • Home Environment
    • Healthy Cooking
    • Finances
    • Self Care

    Visit us on Facebook and share a photo of your Happiness Basket or Jar and throughout the year we will celebrate our Happiness together.




  • Motivational Quote: Time to Sail

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

    Sail from your safe harbor.
    Sail from your safe harbor.

  • 4 Simple Steps to Create Your 2013 Accomplishment Board

    By Melanie Albert, Nutrition Expert and Author, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

     Melanie Albert: 2013 Accomplishment Board

    Melanie Albert: 2013 Accomplishment Board

    Within the 9Ways90Days program we focus on goal setting and taking step-by-step action every day to achieve our goals.

    This year I decided to create a visual board of my 2013 for both life and business before starting to set goals and create my vision for 2014.

    4 Simple Steps to Create your 2013 Accomplishment Board

     1.      Sit quietly in your favorite place, light a candle, pause, inhale and exhale fully a few times.

    2.     Now intuitively write down the top 10 accomplishments in your life in 2013.  Make one for your personal life and for your business or career. Personally, you may include great experiences like traveling, fun times with family or friends, your wedding, birth of a child or grandchild, even positive affirmations from your year. For business, it could be experiences (like speaking engagements or video shoots for me), rewards, promotions or a job change.

    3.      Favorite Photos. Next, go through your favorite photos from each of your accomplishments and put them into a simple document (Powerpoint works great).

    4.     Enjoy. Print out the document, share with your family and enjoy re-living the wonderful experiences.

     Visit us on Facebook and share your 2013 Accomplishment Board.