This morning, the day after Christmas 2015, after witnessing the first full moon since 1977 early Christmas morning, I decided to walk to the beach, Cocoa Beach, to enjoy the magnificence of the sunrise.
In one word: Breath-taking!
The sunrise in our East on the ocean is the message of new beginnings, new ideas and new energy.
Reflect & Dream Big. Inspired by the ocean sunrise, I invite you to take some quiet time these last few days of the year, to both reflect on your accomplishments, and intuitively vision your new beginnings. For reflection and vision, take quiet time, perhaps with nature, walking on the beach, sitting near a stream, hiking in the desert, or sitting in your favorite quiet spot in your home.
As you reflect on your past, I invite you to focus on your accomplishments and celebrate with yourself, your family or friends.
- What is your #1 personal accomplishment for 2015? Journal all the details in your accomplishment and savor them while you are writing. How did you feel? Who were you with? Where were you?
- What is your #1 business or career accomplishment in 2015? Journal on the all details of your accomplishment and your strengths that helped you achieve your accomplishment.
- What is your #1 accomplishment that really surprised you? For this one, journal about something that may have been outside your comfort zone, or something that you experienced that had an awesome unexpected positive result.
- Share your accomplishments with your family and friends.
New Beginnings
Now, as we look into the East, with new beginnings, new ideas and new excitement, I invite you to be intuitive and feel your deep passion as you wildly dream.
- In your wildest dreams, listening to your heart, your intuition, what is your #1 personal accomplishment for 2016? Describe in your journaling, all the details about it. What exactly is it, how do you feel? Who are your with? Where are you?
- In your wildest dreams, again listening to your heart, your intuition, what is your #1 business or career accomplishment for 2016? Journal on all the details, your strengths, and exactly what this achievement looks and feels like.
Anchor. For your 2016 accomplishments, I invite you to create an anchor, to ground your vision and as a reminder of your accomplishments throughout the year.
- What is your one word to anchor your 2016 personal accomplishment?
- What is your one word to anchor your 2016 business / career accomplishment?
If you wish, visit us on Facebook and share your New Beginning Wild Dreams