2020 Sedona Plant-Based Cooking & Self Care Retreats: Meet the Team
Meet the Sedona Retreat Team We are all so excited to share our passions with you during the Sedona Plant-Based Cooking & Self Care Retreats in 2020. Retreat dates: February 7-10, 2020; June 12-15, 2020; September 18-21, 2020 Melanie Albert, Retreat Host,...
Experience Nutrition: The Farm at South Mountain CSA Fall Radish & Purslane Chopped Salad
by Melanie Albert, Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking Expert, Award-winning Cookbook Author, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition After our long hot summer, our local Arizona farmers are harvesting the early Fall crops. Billy Anthony, Lead Grower at the Soil & Seed...
Experience Nutrition Sedona Retreats: Glimpse of Hiking, Yoga, and Meditation
Yoga, Hiking, and Meditation in the Beauty of Sedona In addition to lots of hands-on plant-based intuitive cooking at our Sedona retreats, we enjoy hiking, yoga, meditation, and self-care in the beauty of the Sedona red rocks and vortex energy. – Melanie Albert,...
Experience Nutrition: Arizona Farm-to-Table Summer Salad: Get the “Food Art” Steps
By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking Expert, and Award-Winning Cookbook Author During the summer in Arizona, our local farmers work very hard to grow beautiful produce for us in our 100+ degree weather, so I love to...