Category: Raw Culinary

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Time for Raw Culinary

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Time for Raw Culinary

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    As I write this, it’s 2:00 am and I’m excited to share with you that tomorrow starts a new culinary adventure for me. I’m studying Fundamentals of Raw Cuisine with Matthew Kenney Culinary. I first learned about Matthew Kenney’s beautiful, delicious food when I was traveling to New York to go to school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2006-2007. Nearly every weekend, my friends and I ate dinner at his former restaurant Pure Food & Wine. While I am not a raw foodist, I absolutely loved the food. I still remember the beauty of the raw lasagna dish, the layering of the intense flavors in it, and I look forward to learning how to prepare it.

    I’m having so much fun with farmers’ market shopping, cooking and teaching simple culinary techniques and intuitive cooking with whole foods. I always love learning, so I decided to learn more and will be sharing my learning in blog posts, and future cooking classes, events, and retreats.

    Key Insights

    A few of the key insights that I’ve learned which are very consistent with my current philosophies include Matthew Kenney’s  views:

    • This raw cuisine is plant-based and emphasizes using high quality fresh, local, seasonal ingredients to prepare excellent food.
    • We need a few key basic kitchen equipment to prepare raw food. Primarily a good knife, high-speed blender, and dehydrator.
    • Emphasizes being very organized in the kitchen, with mise en place (everything in place) extended to being organized in general, with a neat, clean workspace.

    Prep Day

    Today was Prep Day for the course. I started to get my food photography set up.


    And, nuts are soaking and bananas are freezing.

    I look forward to sharing with you some of my learning from this raw cuisine course and hope it will inspire you to experiment with this way of eating.

    In addition to blogging about my raw culinary experiences, I’ll be posting on social media. Come on over to my Facebook page (, follow on Instagram @nutritionauthor and #NewViewRawCulinary