Category: Quotes

  • A New View of Healthy Eating: We Eat with our Eyes First

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    To celebrate the launch of my new book, A New View of Healthy Eating, last night I enjoyed an incredible, beautiful meal at the Quiessence Restaurant at The Farm at South Mountain, in Phoenix, with my yoga friend, Jody Loren. Since The Farm is only a mile from my home, over the last decade I have enjoyed the natural, quiet beauty of the farm; the just-harvested organic veggies, flowers, and fresh herbs at Maya’s Farm; and am honored to teach “farm to table” cooking classes in the Spring and Fall of 2016.

    Even though I spend a lot of time at the farm,  last night’s dinner at Quiessence totally exceeded my expectations with the mindfulness and beauty of the environment at The Farm, and the outstanding, unique beauty and simple, yet complex taste and textures of the delicious meal .

    The meal at Quiessence reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:

    “We eat with our eyes first.”

    I invite you to enjoy this photo essay of my celebratory evening at The Farm, commit to go out and enjoy the beauty of your food.

    The Simple Beauty of The Farm

     The Food Art

      Beautiful time with friends.

     Good night at The Farm

    I look forward to seeing photos of you enjoying your “food art” on our Facebook page:


  • A New View of Healthy Eating: Food & Life Tips from 98-year-old Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch

    By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

    This week I had the incredible experience to enjoy some beautiful food and conversation with Tao Porchon-Lynch, 98-year old yoga master, Hollywood actress, model, dancer, activist and author of the beautiful, inspiring book, “Dancing Light.”

    For Tao, her biographer Terri Kennedy, and myself our afternoon lunch together was so relaxing, full of self care, and very mindful.  Over a few hours we enjoyed our meal; talked about food, yoga, kids, relationships, business, our books and just simply enjoyed our time together.

    Enjoy a few photos of us enjoying our food. Yes, even a 98-year old has fun taking food photos!

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    Some of my favorite messages around food from Tao are:

    • Never put on your plate more than you can eat.
    • When you’re eating, enjoy it.
    • Have faith in nature, it teaches us so many things.

    On a larger scale inspiration and wisdom from Tao:

    • Wake up every day and tell yourself: This is the best day of my life.
    • It’s possible to do everything you decide to do.
    • When I retire, I’m going to “dance my way to the next planet.”

    And, one of my favorites, from Tao’s book, “Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master.”

    “Look deeply for the seeds that have been planted in you. Nurture them so they can fully take root. The thing that will feed your soul is right inside.”

    I am also so honored to gift a copy of my new book to Tao, who loved the beauty of it.

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    Thanks so much to Tao Porchon-Lynch and Terri Kennedy for our beautiful, memorable afternoon enjoying food and life.

    A New View of Healthy Eating: Simple Intuitive Cooking with Real Whole Foods is available NOW!

    Step 1: Buy the Book

    Step 2: Join our e-mail list and receive updates on events, and simple healthy recipes and culinary tips.


  • Experience Nutrition: Yoga Quote: Mindful Breathing

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition Group, LLC, Phoenix, AZ. Nutrition and food expert, author and speaker. Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition and Whole Food Cooking Instructor at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

    A few days ago at my massage I received the message “breathe” on the wall in the massage room, which inspired me to share a beautiful quote that reminds us to take time to be still and to breath quietly.

    Breathing offers us the perfect time to refresh ourselves and to gain insights for our life. – Melanie Albert

    For me, right now, I am at the very early stages of dreaming and creating my new book, “A New View of Healthy Eating: Intuitive Cooking, with Culinary & a Taste of Yoga.” So, I am very consciously taking the time to breathe, to be still, to listen and create. I invite you to breathe, too.

    Breathe“We spend most of our time caught up in the memories of the past or looking ahead to the future, full of worries and plans. The breath has none of that “other-timeness.” When we truly observe the breath, we are automatically placed in the present. We are pulled out to the morass of mental images and into a bare experience of the here-and-now. In this sense, breath is a slice of reality. A mindful observation of such a miniature model of life itself leads to insights that are broadly applicable to the rest of our experience.” – Henepola Gunaratana

  • Experience Nutrition: Yoga Quote: Stop Nibbling

    Those that only take a nibble here and nibble there will never attain anything…Those who really want to be yogis must give up, once for all, this nibbling at things. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. – Swami Vivekananda

    Pause & Stop Nibbling, Melanie Albert
    Pause & Stop Nibbling, Melanie Albert

  • Experience Nutrition: Yoga Reflection: Full Cup, Empty Cup

    Experience Nutrition: Yoga Reflection: Full Cup, Empty Cup

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition Group, LLC. Nutrition and food expert, author and speaker. Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition and Whole Food Cooking Instructor at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

    Yoga Reflection: Full Cup, Empty Cup
    Yoga Reflection: Full Cup, Empty Cup

    As part of my Yoga Teacher Training journey, this morning I gave myself a simple, reflective private yoga practice with my new Tibetan Bowl, Sun Salutations, a few standing poses (Mountain, Warrior II and Triangle), and the following message from “365 Yoga” by Julie Rappaport.

    I invite you to sit quietly, center, perhaps, listening quietly to your own breath and then read this beautiful story.

    A popular Zen story tells of a disciple who embarks on a long journey in search of a master teacher. When the teacher finally appears, the student becomes excited and begins asking many questions hoping to gain wisdom. Eager to have her questions answered, the student persists but the teacher refuses to answer directly. Instead she requests that the student pour a cup of tea. The teacher tells the student to keep pouring until instructed to stop. The student pours. The master says nothing. The cup begins to overflow, and still the master remains silent. Upset, the student exclaims:

    “Master, look at this tea cup! It is full and overflowing!”

    The master replies: “Yes. Just as your mind is already full. None of this teaching will be of benefit until you empty your cup.”

    The disciple learned the first lesson of spiritual teaching: to be empty of preconceptions and receptive to new knowledge.


  • Experience Nutrition: Enjoy the rainbow!

    “To enjoy the rainbow, first enjoy the rain.” – Paulo Coelho

    Enjoying the Rainbow in Sedona
    Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO of EXPERIENCE NUTRITION, Enjoying the Rainbow at Cathedral Rock in Sedona.

    PHOTO CREDIT: Melissa Corter Photography

  • Experience Nutrition: Inspired by Alice Waters & The Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley, California

    By Melanie Albert, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition. Nutrition and food expert, author and speaker. Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition and Whole Food Cooking Instructor at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

    This week during our Whole Food S.O.U.L. (Seasonal Organic Unprocessed Local) Cooking Class at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, Arizona, I shared one of my favorite quotes which is totally in-sync with way I cook and teach intuitive cooking with real whole foods.

    Enjoy the quote from Alice Waters, organic food activist and writer and founder of the Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley, California, which is the model of edible education for youth gardening and cooking programs across the USA. Click here to learn more about The Edible Schoolyard Project.

    Inspired by Alice Waters
    Inspired by Alice Waters

    I am also very inspired by Alice Waters overall philosophy, which is showcased at The Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley.

    Alice Waters Philosophies
    Alice Waters Philosophies

    Last year I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a few months in Berkeley and enjoyed peaceful quiet time at the Edible Schoolyard at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School.

    If you have ever visited the Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley, or in other cities across the country, we invite you to post photos on our Facebook page:

    Edible Schoolyard Berkeley
    Edible Schoolyard Berkeley

    Enjoy Food & Life!

  • 9 Ways 90 Days: Favorite Food Quotes: Alice Waters

    Love this quote from author, restauranteer, and activist Alice Waters, who has been a “healthy food” leader and innovator for decades. Her perpective captures the concept of Intutive Eating & Cooking…
    9 Ways 90 Days Favorite Food Quote
    9 Ways 90 Days Favorite Food Quote

    Enjoy your Intuitive shopping, cooking and mindful eating today!

    Click here to learn more about how to intuitively shop, cook & eat to reach your 2015 Goals.

  • 9 Ways 90 Days: Favorite Quotes


    Come on over to our Facebook page, and share how you will take care of your body today?


  • 9 Ways 90 Days: 5 Simple Ways to Eat Kale.

    9 Ways 90 Days Eat Kale
    9 Ways 90 Days Eat Kale

    Pre-order NOW: Get the simple ways to prepare kale in our new book, “Enjoy Food & Life, 9 Ways 90 Days step-by-step action plan for healthy eating & living.”

  • 9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote

    “The evidence is overwhelming at this point. You eat more plants, you don’t eat other stuff, you live longer.” – Mark Bittman

    9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote
    9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote

  • 9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote

    9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote

    “Animals are my friends, and I don’t eat my friends.” – George Bernard Shaw

    9 Ways 90 Days Food Quote

    Share your thoughts on this quote: Visit us on Facebook.

  • Alice Waters, The Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley

    “We can participate in the preservation of both the land and our health by buying directly from local farmers at farmers’ markets, asking for organic produce at our grocers, and requiring food labeling that is explicit about how it is grown.” – Alice Waters, The Art of Simple Food II

    I totally embrace the food philosophies of Alice Waters, and have had the pleasure to spend time at the more than incredible Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley, California. Founded in 1996, it’s a one-acre garden and classroom where students are given the knowledge and values to make food choices that are healthy for them, their communities, and the environment. Will definitely post photos of this beautiful school garden.

    The Philosophy of Alice Waters, The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley

    Join us on Facebook and share which of these philosophies you resonate with.

  • 9 Ways 90 Days: Food Quotes

    9 Ways 90 Days: Food Quotes

    9 Ways 90 Days Food Quotes

    Visit us on Facebook and share your thoughts on this quote. Think about it, what does the food you eat, eat?

  • Happy New Year 2014: Create Your Happiness Basket

     What a wonderful day to start fresh. 

     “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. “ – Oprah Winfrey

    2014 Happiness Basket
    2014 Happiness Basket

    To start the New Year, I just created a “Happiness Basket”, and invite you to create one for you and your children. Based on the concept of a Daily Gratitude Journal, take a moment every day in 2014 to write your happy thoughts or experiences.

    Your Happiness, Your Successes, Your Celebrations, Your Joys.

    Reflect on all areas of your life.

    • Health
    • Relationships
    • Career
    • Exercise
    • Home Environment
    • Healthy Cooking
    • Finances
    • Self Care

    Visit us on Facebook and share a photo of your Happiness Basket or Jar and throughout the year we will celebrate our Happiness together.




  • Motivational Quote: Time to Sail

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain.

    Sail from your safe harbor.
    Sail from your safe harbor.