Experience Nutrition: The Farm at South Mountain CSA: Beets Roots & Greens Bowl Recipe
I am so honored to intuitively create recipes for The Farm at South Mountain CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members, And, I’m happy to share this week’s Winter Arizona recipe with you. As many of you are aware, I live in a wonderful area of Phoenix, Arizona...
Experience Nutrition: Plant-Based Farm-to-Table Sweet Potato Roasted Veggie Bowl Recipe
Looking for a “healthy” Sweet Potato with Broccoli and a Cheesy Sauce? Based on a request for a “healthy” sweet potato and broccoli dish, I’m happy to share with you a Roasted Veggies Sweet Potato Bowl with Hemp Seed Cream. Local Farmers Veggies. In...
Experience Nutrition: Feed Phoenix with Local First Arizona & the City of Phoenix
I am excited to share the incredible Feed Phoenix project with Local First Arizona as part of the City of Phoenix COVID-19 Emergency Food Assistance Funding. The project is designed to provide nutritious lunches incorporating locally grown produce to organizations in...
Experience Nutrition: Farm-to-Table Lemon Cucumber Tomato Tower Salad
Eat What Grows! A simple way to think about eating locally and eating with the season, is to eat what your local farmers are growing, or what’s growing in your garden. What Grows Together Goes Together A simple way to think about how to create a dish with your local...