Experience Nutrition: Simple Avocado Salsa, as Featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine, Arizona

It is again such an honor to create recipe articles for the Natural Awakenings Magazine, Phoenix and Northern Arizona during the last few years. And, I am humbled to contribute to the important May 2020 issue during the Coronavirus Pandemic, to bring a little joy to our lives, with beautiful food. –  Melanie Albert

Recipes in the Natural Awakenings, May 2020 article include: Three Beautiful, Simple Plant-Based Recipes

Enjoy mindfully and intuitively creating these simple dishes. Take time to appreciate the beauty of the food, the mindfulness of the cooking process, and the final food art of your culinary creations.

Simple Avocado Salsa

I hope you are inspired by this simple to-prepare, tasty avocado salsa, along with “food art.”

Enjoy the video with the steps to prepare and plate your own avocado salsa.

Serves 1

Have fun intuitively creating your own avocado salsa with the veggies grown by our local farmers and available right in your own refrigerator. With the avocado as a base, add in your choice of aromatics (onion, garlic), citrus (lemon or lime), favorite veggies, such as carrots, green or red peppers, radishes, cauliflower, tomatoes), and a fresh herb (basil, cilantro, marjoram).

Thanks to my Arizona farmer friends for the beautiful produce in this Avocado Salsa.

  • Blue Sky Organic Farms, Litchfield Park: Grafitti (purple) Cauliflower, Green Onions
  • Pinnacle Farms Phoenix: Mini-Carrots, Spring Garlic
  • Melanie’s Edible Garden: Fresh Basil, Mini-Tomatoes

Simple Ingredients

  • 1 soft, ripe avocado
  • 4-5 mini carrots, chopped
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 3-4 clove raw garlic, minced
  • 4-5 cauliflower florets, chopped
  • ½ lemon, juiced and zested
  • 4-5 basil leaves, chiffonade
  • Pinch sea salt
  • Garnish: Basil leaves and flowers, mini-tomatoes
  • Pinch sea salt
Simple Avocado Salsa: Beautiful Arizona farmers ingredients.

Simple Steps

  • Chop all ingredients.
  • Place avocado in a bowl and mix with a fork.
  • Add all other ingredients to the bowl and gently mix all ingredients.
Simple Avocado Salsa: Mise en Place

Simple Plating

  • Place ring mold onto plate or bowl.
  • Scoop avocado salsa into the ring mold.
  • OPTION: If you do not have a ring mold, place a mound of the avocado salsa onto the plate.
  • Garnish with basil leaves and mini-tomatoes.
  • Enjoy!

Stay in touch with us on www.facebook.com/ExperienceNutritionAZ and Instagram @experiencenturitionaz and tag us #experiencenutrition on your plant-based culinary creations.

I’m feeling that very soon we will ease out of our Coronavirus Stay-at-Home, so if you or your organization is looking for a live in-person hands-on interactive plant-based cooking experience, I’m happy to chat with you to explore opportunities.  Feel free to call (602.615.2486) or e-mail (Mel@MelanieAlbert.com) – Melanie

By Melanie Albert, Plant-Based Culinary Leader, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition in Phoenix, Arizona. Award-winning cookbook author, speaker, corporate wellness, team building, retreat leader, and caterer.


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