Experience Nutrition:  Zucchini Lasagna Two Ways: Raw & Baked. The Farm at South Mountain CSA Recipe

Honored and happy to create the Recipe #51 for the CSA at The Farm at South Mountain, right here in my neighborhood. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to create new recipes for the CSA members, with ideas on how to prepare the veggies, fruit, and herbs in their weekly CSA.

During our Coronavirus Stay-at-Home, with everyone cooking more at home, I am happy that our farmers are still working so hard to bring great food to our community. I’m also grateful that our Arizona farmers’ markets are still operating as “essential grocery stores.”

Yesterday (Friday) afternoon, when I picked up this week’s CSA at The Farm, it was 99 degrees in Phoenix, and my AC was not working, so I decided to create a Raw Dish with the CSA veggies. Although, not at all planned, I then wanted to experiment with a cooked dish with those veggies as a base.

I hope you enjoy creating a simple Raw or Cooked Zucchini Lasagna, along with a Raw Hempseed Cream.

Enjoy the video for a glimpse of The Farm at South Mountain, where we are transitioning into our Summer growing season, along with the Raw and Baked Lasagna recipes.

Spring CSA Week 7: 4.25.20

 For the CSA members, items in the CSA include:

  • Roots: Beets, Carrots, Purple Daikon Radishes
  • Greens; Glacier Lettuce, Salad Greens
  • Veggies: Zucchini
  • Citrus: Grapefruit
  • Herbs: Basil & Dill
  • Aromatics: Green Onions
  • The Farm Eggs
The Farm at South Mountain. Soil & Seed Garden. CSA 4.25.20

Raw Zucchini Lasagna

This week’s recipe was inspired by our warm Arizona weekend and the Soil & Seed Garden zucchini. The Raw Lasagna recipe features the end-of-season purple daikon radish and carrots. Enjoy with a Grapefruit Hempseed Herbal Cream.


Lasagna & Hempseed Cream Ingredients

Ingredients: Zucchini Lasagna. Hempseed Grapefruit Herb Cream.

Lasagna Veggies

Prep the zucchini, carrot, and daikon radish, and enjoy Raw Lasagna with Grapefruit Hempseed Cream.

Serves 2


  • ¼ zucchini
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 daikon radish
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Pinch sea salt


  • Thinly slice veggies with a mandoline or veggie peeler.
  • Place veggies, not touching, on parchment paper.
  • Drizzle veggies with olive oil and sea salt.
  • Let the veggies sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Save the veggies to create the veggie lasagna.


Hempseed Grapefruit Herb Cream

This raw hempseed cream was inspired by The Farm’s grapefruit and fresh dill, lemon basil, and green onions. This Hempseed Cream can be made very quickly since we do not need to pre-soak hempseeds, and you can add flavor with whatever herbs you have in your kitchen or garden right now.


  • ½ cup hempseeds
  • ¼ cup grapefruit juice
  • 1 TBSP grapefruit zest
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3-4 stems of dill, lemon basil
  • 2-3 onion green onions
  • Pinch sea salt
Mise en Place: Hempseed Cream


  • Place all ingredients into food processor.
  • Process until smooth.
  • Add water, as needed, for creamier sauce.
Raw Hempseed Grapefruit Herb Cream


  • Layer the zucchini, carrot, daikon radish and the cream.
  • Garnish with Glacier Lettuce and fresh dill and lemon basil.


BONUS RECIPE: Baked Zucchini Lasagna

Since I ended up with extra ingredients from the Raw Lasagna, I decided to cook a really quick and easy baked version of the lasagna. Hope you enjoy this version, as well.


  • All ingredients from the Raw Zucchini Lasagna
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 2 small sweet peppers, sliced


  • Pre-heat oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Layer all ingredients into a baking pan.
  • Cook for 20-30 minutes.
  • Enjoy!


Stay in touch with us on www.facebook.com/ExperienceNutritionAZ and Instagram @experiencenturitionaz and tag us #experiencenutritionaz on your Raw and Cooked Zucchini Lasagna dishes and other plant-based culinary creations.

By Melanie Albert, Plant-Based Cooking Leader, Founder & CEO, Experience Nutrition in Phoenix, Arizona. Award-winning cookbook author, speaker, corporate wellness, team building, retreat leader, and caterer.

Self Care: Sunflower!


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