Experience Nutrition: The Farm at South Mountain CSA Fall Radish & Purslane Chopped Salad

by Melanie Albert, Plant-Based Intuitive Cooking Expert, Award-winning Cookbook Author, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

After our long hot summer, our local Arizona farmers are harvesting the early Fall crops. Billy Anthony, Lead Grower at the Soil & Seed Garden, located at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, harvested fresh veggies, herbs, and hibiscus roselle for the first week of the Fall 2019 CSA.

Soil & Seed Garden, Fall Week 1 CSA. October 19, 2019

Late beauty at The Farm at South Mountain picking up the first week of the CSA…

The Farm at South Mountain. Fall 2019 CSA. Week 1: October 19, 2019.

What a beautiful Fall Salad Box. Love the edible flowers.

  • 1 salad box
  • 4 oz lemon basil
  • 1 bunch Sora radish
  • 1 bunch French breakfast radish
  • ½ quart rosemary
  • ¼ quart hibiscus roselle
  • 2-3 eggplant
  • 1 bunch rainbow chard
  • 1 lime
  • 6 pullet eggs

Radish. Purslane. Swiss Chard Stem Chopped Salad.

I intuitively created a simple, quick salad inspired by the Soil & Seed Garden early harvest of radishes & Swiss Chard,  with the juicy fresh lime.


Simple Ingredients

  • Salad
    • 5-6 radishes, Sora and French breakfast, minced
    • 3-4 Swiss Chard stems, thinly sliced
    • 5-6 stems Purslane, chopped
  • Dressing
    • ½ lime juiced, about ¼ cup
    • 1 tbsp lime zest
    • ½ cup olive oil, twice as much oil as lime
    • 10-12 lemon basil leaves, chopped
    • Pinch sea salt
  • Garnish: Edible flower, sliced radishes, lemon basil leaves
Swiss Chard. Lemon Basil. Purslane. Radishes. Lime. Salt. Olive Oil.

Simple Steps

Salad Dressing

  • Squeeze lime juice into a small Mason jar.
  • Add twice as much olive oil.
  • Shake.
  • Taste and adjust lime and oil, for balance of acid and fat.
  • Add lemon basil and pinch of sea salt.
  • Shake and use in salad.
Simple “Acid Fat Salt” Salad Dressing


  • Chop all ingredients.
Mise en place…All ingredients in place…for the Radish Purslane Salad.
  • Place radishes, Swiss chard, and purslane into bowl.
Mindfully place chopped ingredients into small bowl.

  • Gently toss.
  • Add dressing over the veggies and toss.
Gently toss the veggies with the salad dressing.
  • Garnish with edible flowers, radishes, lemon basil leaves.
  • Enjoy!

Yum. The simple Chopped Salad.

Mindfully enjoying the visual brightness of the salad.

The Radish inspired salad with the radishes at the Soil & Seed Garden at The Farm at South Mountain.

Thanks so much to Farmer Michael for all the passion and hard working in growing the beautiful food at the Soil & Seed Garden.

FARM-TO-TABLE PLANT-BASED COOKING CLASSES AT THE FARM with Melanie Albert and Farm Operations Manager Billy Anthony

I am so honored to be leading hands-on intuitive cooking classes at The Farm at South Mountain for the 4th year. For the classes this season, Lead Grower Billy and I will be walking the Soil & Seed Garden the week prior to each class to develop the food strategy for the classes. Billy will harvest the morning of the classes, and you’ll have the opportunity to intuitively prepare dishes, guided by Melanie.

The beauty and food art during our Plant-Based Cooking Events at The Farm at South Mountain.


In September 2019, I hosted the first Sedona Plant-Based Cooking Retreat. Based on the life-changing retreat with incredible cooking, hiking in Sedona, and friendships, I decided to host the next retreat in November. Learn more on www.ExperienceNutrition.com/sedona-retreats/ 

Or, to answer your questions about the retreats, please feel free to contact me (Melanie Albert): 602.615.2486 or Mel@MelanieAlbert.com

A-SedonaRetreatS19-LunchSat-Per-Mel-avo-DSC_7723 copy
Permelia and Melanie enjoying our Avocado Tartare!

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Getting started with our mindful chopping for our fresh Tomato Gazpacho and Avocado Tartare.

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WOW! Yoga at Cathedral Rock. Dreams come true!


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