Experience Nutrition: Welcome to the NEW Experience Nutrition with Melanie Albert

By Melanie Albert, Intuitive Cooking Expert, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition, Award-Winning Cookbook Author, Speaker

Today, I’m excited to share with you the update of my website, www.ExperienceNutrition.com, With the website launch, I thought I’d take a moment to briefly share my initial motivation for healthy eating and living, along with my philosophies about plant-based eating.

The Power of Food: Mom’s Breast Cancer 23 Years Ago

23 years ago my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the conventional doctors gave her six months to live. At that point, I left my corporate marketing career in Kansas City to be with Mom and my Dad in Cocoa Beach, Florida. At night I read the few nutrition books that were available. I had already stopped eating meat and was eating organic food.

This was when I first learned that food and positive mindset were key to health.

I’m happy to say, as I write this today, that my Mom celebrated her 89th birthday this month. And, my Dad is now 92 years old. And, they are both enjoying life every day with their positivity and beautiful Cocoa Beach backyard.

Melanie Albert with Mom & Dad in Cocoa Beach, Florida

I’ll continue to share more of my journey with food and cooking in my blog posts so you can get to know me and my motivation for being here with you.

Top 6 Philosophies of Plant-Based Eating from Melanie’s cookbook, “A New View of Healthy Eating”

A new view of healthy eating begins with the food we choose to eat and extends to our shopping, cooking, and eating experiences.

The key philosophies are:

  1. Eat real whole foods.
  2. Shop local and in season.
  3. Enjoy intuitive shopping.
  4. Cook with intuition.
  5. Eat mindfully.
  6. Enjoy food and life.
 Eat Real Whole Foods.

Eat foods that are in their natural form, as nature created them. Focus on plants and local, in-season foods. Focus on organic. When we eat real whole foods, we get more nutrition and fiber from the foods and receive the energy from the Earth. When we focus on eating organic, we eat food that is “clean,” without pesticides or herbicides, and not genetically modified (i.e., not GMO).

Real whole foods include vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. It’s quite simple. The recommended foods in “A New View of Healthy Eating” are primarily in alignment with an anti-inflammatory way of eating as advocated by Andrew Weil, M.D., the Mediterranean way of eating, and the Blue Zones as researched by National Geographic, Dan Buettner, and his team. The foods and recipes are all gluten-free and dairy-free.

A New View of Healthy Eating Book, by Melanie Albert

Farm-to-Table Cooking Classes at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona

Farm-to-Table Intuitive Cooking Classes at The Farm at South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona

I’m honored to teach hands-on interactive cooking classes at the beautiful The Farm at South Mountain for the three years. Hope our local Arizona friends can join us this Fall.

November 18, 2018, 11am-1pm: Farm-to-Table Plant-Based Thanksgiving CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKET

December 9. 2018, 11am-1pm: Plant-Based Holiday Desserts CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKET

Join our Plant-Based Community Come on over to our Simple Daily Plant-Based Facebook Group, where I share daily tips around shopping, cooking, and eating beautiful, delicious food. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE GROUP

Join our e-newsletter for cooking ideas, recipes, and events. And, please let me know if you are interested in any nutrition cooking programs for your organization.


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