Right now kale is in season here in Arizona. In addition to massaging kale (yes! we massage kale!) and making all kinds of delicious raw kale salads with fresh berries, fruit, and figs, I decided to dehydrate a batch of kale. The simple way to dehydrate kale is to lightly massage (or coat) the kale leaves with organic extra virgin olive oil, add sea salt, and dried herbs, such as basil and oregano.
I am so fortune to live less than a mile from Maya’s Farm in South Mountain, Arizona, that I had the opportunity to visit the farm this week and see the organic kale growing.
Step 1: Gather mise en place: Organic kale, organic extra virgin olive oil, dried herbs (basil, oregano), sea salt. Keep kale leaves as large as possible, as they will shrink when dehydrated or baked in the oven.
Step 2: Gently massage (toss) organic kale leaves in the organic extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground herbs, and sea salt.
Step 3: Mindfully spread the kale leaves onto dehydrator trays, being careful that the leaves do not touch each other.
Step 4: Slide trays into the dehydrator. I’m so excited to dehydrate kale on all 9 trays of my dehydrator.
Step 5: Dehydrate at 115 degrees F for about 7 hours.
Step 6: Plate and enjoy the fresh, crispness of your home-dehydrated organic kale chips!
Step 7: Place extra organic kale chips in class containers for healthy ready-to-eat healthy snacks.
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