by Melanie Albert, Nutrition and food expert, author and speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC, Phoenix, AZ

A New View of Healthy Eating: Today’s Motivational Card

Simply Sprout Beans


A New View of Healthy Eating: Try mung beans

Awesome First Sprouting Experience. It was a year ago when I really started to sprout beans, while taking the Professional Plant-based Culinary Course with Rouxbe. I was in Florida visiting my parents and we decided to experiment with all kinds of organic beans (mung, adzuki, green lentils) and a few seeds (sunflower and broccoli). We ended up sprouting about 12 quart jars of beans in a week and harvested so much we shared with neighbors.


First bean and seed Sprouting Experience: Exceeded our expectations.

Popular Mung Beans. Today, our focus is mung beans, which are the most widely eaten sprout on our planet. The sprouting process releases dormant enzymes that make the beans more easily digestible and in some cases, even more nutritious.

Eat Mung Beans Raw or Cooked. Mung beans, a great plant-protein, are very easy and fun to sprout, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw mung beans add a nice crunch on top a salad, avocado salsa, or hummus. And can be cooked for added protein in a veggie stir-fry or soup, and have been used in many Chinese dishes for centuries.

6 Simple Steps to Sprout Mung Beans
1. Soak ¼ cup mung beans in a few cups of water for 8-12 hours out of direct sunlight
2. Rinse beans and place them in a wide mouth quart Mason jar with a wire lid
3. Rinse beans with water 2-4 times a day
4. After each rinsing, rest jar on a slant, so any extra water can drain
5. Harvest beans 2-5 days
6. Enjoy raw or cooked!

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