By Melanie Albert, Nutrition and Wellness Expert, Author and Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

Excerpt from book, “Enjoy Food & Life. 9 Ways 90 Days step-by-step action plan for healthy eating and living.”

No Meat for 25 Years. I stopped eating red meat 30 years ago because my body could not digest it. I was a runner and felt like the meat made me sluggish. Then 18 years ago when my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, I learned about antibiotics in poultry and stopped eating chicken and turkey, which I loved at the time. My family was worried for years that I was not eating enough protein, but while I was studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I learned so much about good plant protein, and now I’m honestly not worried about eating enough protein. Today, I love educating people about good sources of plant protein, including beans, whole grains and even some vegetables.


9 Ways 90 Days: Protein is Essential


Why Protein is Essential

  • It is a macro-nutrition, which we must eat every day, with very meal
  • Builds and repairs tissues
  • Makes enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals

 How Much Protein Do We Need?

  • About 25% of our daily diet should come from protein
  • Eat protein at every meal
  • Average serving size of protein should fit in the palm of your hand

Why Protein is Important for Athletes

  • Stimulates metabolism
  • Improves muscle mass and recovery
  • Reduces body fat

 Tips for Post Workout Meals for Athletes

  • Eat soon after intense exercise
  • Eat approximately 50% protein with good carbs, and minimal fat

 Action. Visit us on Facebook and share: Based on your knowledge of protein, right now, which and how much protein-rich foods do you eat in a typical week?

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