9 Ways 90 Days: What snacks did you love when you were a kid?

by Melanie Albert, Nutrition Expert, Author and Speaker, Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition

Take a Look at the Snacks You Loved as a Kid

As a kid, I loved ice cream. Now, I really love healthy thick fruit smoothies. And, as a kid I ate red licorice. Now, I enjoy trail mix, goji berries and dark chocolate. I notice that the fruit smoothies I enjoy today are a lot like ice cream; cold and creamy. And, I think one of the reasons I love goji berries is because they are red and chewy, just like the licorice I used to love as a kid.

Superfood Snack: Organic Goji Berries
Superfood Snack: Organic Goji Berries

Come over to Facebook and share your responses to the following 3 questions.

• What snacks did you love the most when you were a kid? __________
• What snacks do you now eat as an adult?_________________________________
• Describe the similarities in these snacks__________________________________


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