By Melanie A. Albert, intuitive cooking expert, author, and speaker. Founder & CEO Experience Nutrition Group, LLC

Part 2 of Intuitive Cooking with Winter Arizona Farmers’ Market Goodies is one of my favorite very quick ways to prepare veggies, a simple roasted method.

The quick roasted veggie dish was inspired by our Arizona farmers’ Brussel sprouts, yellow tomatoes, and peppers, along with dried basil, marjoram, and cilantro seeds.

The simple steps:

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    Choose a few veggies.

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    Rough chop the veggies.



Mortar and pestle a few dried herbs.


Place veggies in oven pan.

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    Toss veggies with olive oil, dried herbs, and sea salt.

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    Bake for 30-35 minutes at 325 degrees, gently tossing after 20 minutes.

Enjoyed the veggies picnic-style in a Salmon Taco. Thanks to my brother Jack for catching and cooking the wild Canadian salmon, and creating the fresh veggie salmon taco. WOW! So many layers of flavors.


Perfect Left-over Veggies & Salmon. Enjoyed the roasted veggies as quick lunch with Canadian salmon with two of my favorites: goat cheese and cilantro micro-greens.


Have fun shopping at your local farmers’ markets and intuitive create a few dishes! Share your culinary creations with us on Facebook:

My book, “A New View of Healthy Eating” is a great resource to learn simple culinary skills and cooking intuitively. Purchase here and I’ll gift wrap and mail it to you.


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It is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or medical practitioner. Please see your healthcare provider before beginning any new health program.